
1. **补充营养**:椰子肉含有糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素B族、维生素C以及钾、镁等微量元素,能够有效地补充人体的营养成分,增强机体的抗病能力。

2. **美容养颜**:椰子肉中的维生素C具有抗氧化作用,有助于清除人体自由基,改善粉刺和黑斑,使肌肤白皙。维生素E还能更新细胞角质,增添肌肤光滑,起到排毒美容的效果。


3. **利尿消肿**:椰子肉中的钾、镁等矿物质成分与细胞内液相似,有助于纠正脱水和电解质紊乱,达到利尿消肿的效果。

4. **杀虫消疳**:椰子肉有杀灭肠道寄生虫的作用,可以驱除姜片虫和绦虫,是理想的杀虫消疳食品,且无副作用。


5. **益气健脾**:椰子肉能够益气健脾,对于脾虚引起的恶心、呕吐、腹胀、腹痛、消化不良、食欲不振等症状有改善作用。

6. **生津止渴**:对于热病伤津导致的口渴、口干,适当食用椰子肉可以生发口中津液,缓解口渴口干症状。

7. **驻颜美容**:椰子肉含有的生长激素、维生素和微量元素等成分,经常食用能益人气力,补充细胞内液,扩充血容量,滋润皮肤,具有驻颜美容的作用。




1. **温经散寒**:艾叶具有温经散寒的作用,对于因寒邪引起的腹痛、月经不调、腰膝酸软等症状有很好的缓解效果。

2. **活血行气**:艾叶可以活血行气,对于血瘀引起的疼痛、头痛、胸闷等症有治疗作用。

3. **抗菌消炎**:艾叶具有很好的抗菌消炎作用,可以用于治疗感冒、咽喉炎、肠炎等疾病。

4. **治疗妇科疾病**:艾叶对于妇科疾病,如痛经、月经不调、崩漏等,有很好的治疗作用。

5. **养颜美容**:艾叶可以温经络,促进气血流通,使脸色更加红润,对于养颜美容有很好的效果。

6. **提高免疫力**:艾叶具有提高免疫力的作用,经常饮用艾叶水,可以增强身体的抵抗力。

7. **驱虫除湿**:艾叶具有驱虫除湿的作用,可以用于治疗湿疹、脚气等疾病。

8. **镇静安神**:艾叶煮水喝可以起到镇静安神的作用,对于失眠、焦虑等症有很好的缓解效果。

9. **促进血液循环**:艾叶煮水泡脚,可以促进血液循环,缓解手脚冰凉的症状。


10. **收敛止血**:艾叶对于出血症状,如吐血、咳血、大便带血等,有很好的收敛止血作用。


1. 适量使用,过量可能会引起不适。
2. 对于过敏体质的人群,使用艾叶前应先进行过敏测试。
3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女和有特殊疾病的人群,应在医生指导下使用。



1. **养血滋阴**:首乌能够滋养和补充血液,对于血虚引起的头晕目眩、心慌失眠等症状有显著疗效。

2. **润肠通便**:它能够增强肠道蠕动,促进胃液分泌,对于改善消化吸收、缓解腹泻和便秘有积极作用。

3. **抗衰老**:首乌含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够对抗自由基,延缓衰老,对皮肤健康有益。

4. **补肝肾、益精血**:首乌有补肝肾、益精血的功效,对于肝肾阴虚导致的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、白发、脱发等有治疗作用。

5. **乌须发**:首乌能促进血液循环,改善头发健康状态,有助于延缓衰老和减少掉发。

6. **增强免疫力**:首乌能够刺激人体的免疫系统,增强抵抗力,预防感染和疾病的发生。

7. **调节血糖和血脂**:首乌中的多糖物质能够有效降低血糖和血脂,具有一定的抗氧化作用。

8. **抗疟疾**:首乌有截疟之功,常用于治疗疟疾日久,气血两亏之病。

9. **保肝**:首乌对肝脏有保护作用,能够提高肝脏的保护功能,对脂肪肝、肝功能不良有修护作用。

10. **促进造血功能**:首乌能促进骨髓红细胞值的升高,有助于治疗贫血。

11. **镇静作用**:现代医学研究表明,首乌对中枢神经系统有镇静作用。

12. **降血脂和防治动脉硬化**:首乌能降低血脂,防治动脉硬化。


13. **抗血栓**:首乌具有一定的抗血栓作用。



1. **增进体能和精力**:麦苗汁含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和酶类,有助于提高人体的整体活力和耐力。

2. **提高睡眠质量**:麦苗汁中的某些成分可以帮助调节人体的生物钟,对于经常失眠的人来说,有一定的安神作用。

3. **养颜排毒**:麦苗汁中的叶绿素能够净化血液,帮助身体排除毒素,对皮肤具有抗过敏的效果,有助于美容养颜,预防衰老。

4. **抗溃疡**:麦苗汁对于胃溃疡和口腔溃疡有改善作用,有助于缓解溃疡症状。

5. **降低血糖**:对于糖尿病患者来说,麦苗汁有助于降低血糖,并改善由糖尿病引起的多种并发症。

6. **促进康复**:麦苗汁可以加速手术、肌肤外伤和某些感染后的康复过程。

7. **增强酒精耐受**:麦苗汁能增强人体对酒精的耐受力,减少醉酒现象。

8. **消炎作用**:麦苗汁具有较强的消炎作用,可以缓解胰腺炎、关节炎、肌腱炎等引起的疼痛。

9. **治疗自身免疫性疾病**:对于自身免疫性疾病,如红斑狼疮、痛风、鼻炎等,麦苗汁有治疗和辅助治疗作用。

10. **抗过敏**:麦苗汁对皮肤过敏有治疗和辅助治疗作用,对于白癜风、牛皮癣等也有一定的改善效果。


11. **增强记忆力**:麦苗汁中的营养成分有助于提高记忆力,使思维更加敏捷清晰,减轻精神压力。


12. **消除体臭**:麦苗汁有助于消除口臭、体臭、腋臭等不良气味。

13. **降低血脂、调节血压**:麦苗汁有助于降低血脂,调节血压,对心血管健康有益。


14. **减肥安眠**:麦苗汁有助于减肥,同时也有助于改善睡眠质量。

15. **恢复生殖能力**:麦苗汁中的某些成分有助于恢复生殖能力。

16. **排除重金属**:麦苗汁有助于排除体内的重金属等有害物质。



1. **润肺止咳**:大蒜中的大蒜素和冰糖的润肺作用可以缓解咳嗽,尤其是对感冒引起的干咳有很好的效果。

2. **消炎杀菌**:大蒜素是一种天然的抑菌成分,能有效抑制细菌和病毒的生长,对预防感冒和呼吸道感染有积极作用。

3. **降低血脂**:大蒜素可以促进体内脂肪的分解代谢,抑制胆固醇和油酸的产生,有助于降低血脂。


4. **美容养颜**:大蒜中的大蒜素和维生素E具有很强的抗氧化作用,可以抵抗自由基,延缓皮肤衰老;冰糖则具有滋阴的作用,有助于美容养颜。

5. **软化血管**:大蒜冰糖水中的成分有助于软化血管,预防心脑血管疾病。

6. **增强免疫力**:适量饮用大蒜冰糖水可以增强人体免疫力,提高对疾病的抵抗力。

7. **散寒保暖**:大蒜具有散寒的作用,而冰糖性质平淡,两者结合饮用,可以有效预防感冒,尤其在寒冷的天气中,有很好的保暖效果。

8. **清热去火**:冰糖的润燥作用有助于清心泻火、清热除烦,对于上火引起的咽喉肿痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。



1. **增强免疫力**:红枣富含维生素C,这是一种强效的抗氧化剂,能够增强人体的免疫力,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。


2. **抗癌抗肿瘤**:红枣中含有三萜类化合物和环磷酸腺苷等成分,具有抗癌和抗肿瘤的作用。

3. **养护肝脏**:红枣中的维生素C、糖类物质和环磷酸腺苷等成分有助于促进肝脏内蛋白质的合成,提高肝脏对有毒物质的分解能力。

4. **防治心血管疾病**:红枣中的维生素C和维生素P以及环磷酸腺苷有助于促进血液微循环、软化和扩张血管,改善心肌功能,对防治动脉硬化和冠心病等心血管疾病有益。

5. **镇静催眠**:红枣中含有的黄酮-双-葡萄糖甙a物质,有助于镇静和改善睡眠。


6. **补气养血**:红枣能补中益气,强健脾胃,对于改善气血不足、面色苍白等症状有积极作用。

7. **防治骨质疏松和贫血**:红枣中含有丰富的钙和铁,有助于补充人体所需的营养,对防治骨质疏松和贫血有很好的效果。

8. **美容养颜**:红枣中的维生素C和维生素B族能够促进皮肤细胞代谢,增强皮肤弹性,减少皱纹和色素沉着,从而达到美容养颜的效果。


9. **止咳润肺**:红枣冰糖煮水可以润肺止咳,对于缓解咳嗽症状有一定的帮助。



1. **维持正常代谢**:氨基酸是构成蛋白质的基本单位,而蛋白质是人体组织的主要成分之一。氨基酸片能够提供组织细胞所需的氨基酸,维持人体正常代谢功能。

2. **促进肌肉生长与修复**:氨基酸是肌肉构成的重要成分,氨基酸片可以提供足够的氨基酸,促进肌肉的生长和修复,尤其对运动后肌肉的恢复有积极作用。


3. **增强免疫力**:氨基酸在人体免疫系统中扮演着重要角色,补充氨基酸片可以增强免疫力,预防和治疗多种疾病。

4. **改善脑部功能**:氨基酸是脑部神经元的重要营养物质之一,氨基酸片可以促进脑部的发育和功能,提高智力和记忆力。

5. **促进新陈代谢**:氨基酸片可以提高身体代谢能力,加速脂肪燃烧和能量利用,有助于健康减肥和体型塑造。

6. **保肝护肝**:氨基酸片具有保肝、护肝、修复肝组织、去肝火等作用,对慢性黄疸性肝炎、慢性乙型肝炎、慢性肝损伤、药物损伤性肝炎、肝硬化等都有一定修复功效。

7. **抗氧化作用**:氨基酸片中的某些成分具有抗氧化作用,可以抵抗自由基对身体的伤害,减缓老化过程。

8. **解酒护肝**:由于酒精对肝细胞有损害,氨基酸片能够帮助修复肝细胞,具有一定的解酒护肝作用。

9. **改善睡眠**:氨基酸片可以调节氨基酸代谢,改善睡眠质量。

10. **促进生长发育**:氨基酸是人体生长发育的重要物质基础,适当补充氨基酸片有助于促进儿童和青少年的生长发育。



1. 清热解毒:三根汤中的白茅根、芦根和葛根都具有清热解毒的作用,对于热病发热、咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等症状有一定的缓解作用。


2. 生津止渴:三根汤可以促进体内津液的生成,对于口干舌燥、口渴多饮等症状有较好的改善作用。

3. 利尿消肿:三根汤具有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有一定的缓解效果。


4. 降低血压:三根汤中的葛根具有一定的降压作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. 保护心血管:三根汤中的白茅根、芦根和葛根均具有保护心血管的作用,可以降低血脂、抗动脉硬化,对于心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

6. 抗癌作用:三根汤具有一定的抗癌作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

7. 促进消化:三根汤可以促进胃肠道蠕动,对于消化不良、便秘等症状有一定的改善作用。

8. 抗病毒:三根汤具有一定的抗病毒作用,对于流感、感冒等病毒性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。



### 主要功效

1. **补肾壮阳**:鹿角具有温补肾阳的作用,对于肾阳不足引起的腰膝冷痛、阳痿早泄、宫寒不孕等症状有较好的疗效。

2. **强筋健骨**:鹿角能够强壮筋骨,对于筋骨疼痛、骨软行迟、囟门不闭合等症有治疗作用。

3. **活血化瘀**:鹿角具有活血散瘀的功效,可以用于治疗瘀血导致的疼痛、产后瘀血腹痛、腰痛等。

4. **消肿**:鹿角具有消肿作用,适用于治疗疮疡肿毒、乳痈、乳腺炎等炎症性疾病。

5. **行血**:鹿角可以促进血液循环,对于瘀血、乳房肿胀等有改善作用。

6. **调理冲任**:对于女性月经不调、崩漏带下等症状,鹿角也有一定的调理作用。

### 临床应用

1. **疮疡肿毒**:鹿角可以用于治疗皮肤深处的疮疡、乳痈等,常与白芥子等药物配伍使用。

2. **化脓性乳腺炎**:对于乳房胀痛、发热、发硬等症状,可用鹿角粉末冲服或与蒲公英、连翘等药物合用。


3. **肾阳不足**:对于腰膝无力、四肢冷、健忘、多梦等症状,鹿角常与熟地等药材合用。

4. **鹿角胶**:鹿角胶具有补肝肾、止血的作用,可用于治疗吐血、咯血伴随肢冷腹痛等。

5. **鹿茸霜**:用于治疗白带、阴道不规则出血、四肢发冷、腹痛等症状。

### 食用禁忌

1. 鹿角性温,对于阴虚火旺者应忌服。

2. 服用鹿角期间,应注意血压变化,对于高血压患者需谨慎。

3. 服用鹿角时应注意剂量,一般用量在5-15克左右。


"How are my parents?" I’m sure I care about my parents.

"Everything is fine, just nagging me to persuade you to get married early. I told them that you can bring your wife and children back together in 2008." King Kong Gun hey hey smiled.
"Do you really say that?" I asked frowning.
"True" King Kong cannon nodded nonchalantly.
"How are your parents?" I am also very concerned about King Kong’s parents. When I went to his house, his mother slaughtered the only old hen in their family to entertain me. The scene made me sad when I remembered it.
"Don’t let them piss me off." King Kong Bao even gasped. "I brought back sea cucumbers before and let my mother fry them as silkworm chrysalis. It’s not too crisp …"
"Let’s go and see the boat." I picked the wrist positioning device and threw it into the car trunk. Ha ha, I laughed and did the same thing. It’s not the first time I did it.
When I introduced him to cross-eyed, cross-eyed naturally wouldn’t believe that this Hummer with sunglasses was fat, which I said yesterday. However, the careless personality of King Kong Gun is easy to mix with these people and have become friends after smoking.
"How much is the rent?" I took the king kong gun to cross-eyed and asked in a low voice when I arranged a room for us.
"Three million" I said casually.
"ah? !” King Kong cannon immediately frowned with love.
"The money is too gross, and I’m not short of that money." I moved out what he said earlier intact.
"You’re willing to part with it." King Kong Bao stuffed the package in his hand into the bed, which contained his axe and my lieutenant.
"You pack up and I’ll inform them about the boat." I pointed to my bed at the King Kong cannon. "Load the bomb and don’t let them see it."
King Kong cannon hey hey smiled and nodded his head.
I have been waiting for a long time to cross my eyes in the control room.
"The boat …"
Chapter 435 Turn around and run
Cross-eyed don’t ship the first mate at the helm.
There are rules for fishing boats to set sail. Start the engine, sound the whistle and set off firecrackers at the bow. Fishing boats pour wine into the sea and set sail.
The fishing boat left the port slowly, which was beyond my expectation.
"Hey, Lao Jiang, why is this thing so slow?" King Kong cannons packed up and came to the control room, cross-eyed and surnamed Jiang.
"Normal speed fifteen knots" Cross-eyed took the King Kong cannon and handed it to the cigarette.
"I don’t know what a festival is converted into kilometers." King Kong Gun looked at the rudder in the first mate’s hand curiously.
"They are not the same concept and cannot be converted." Cross-eyed haha laughed.
"If you have to convert it, you have to convert it into the sea every hour. It’s very troublesome. You can get 40 to 50 miles an hour, right?" The first mate took over.
"Why is it so slow?" King Kong cannon frowned.
"Not too slow, the boat can’t run so fast," said the first mate.
"What’s the fastest speed?" I interjected and asked, I have carefully observed this fishing boat before and found that the propeller behind the boat is not directly proportional to the 40-50-meter-long hull.
"The four engines can run together for 30 knots in a short time" or the first mate is more familiar with the performance of this ship than cross-eyed.
"Then let the four engines work together and run faster." King Kong Cannon was impatient with this slow speed. He couldn’t wait for the horse to reach the deep sea now
"Under normal circumstances, one engine is enough. When chasing fish, only two or three or four engines are started together, which not only consumes too much oil, but also the power plant and propeller can’t stand it." The first mate explained professionally.
"Is there enough fuel?" I’m more concerned about this bond problem.
"Too much weight was unloaded yesterday, which caused the hull to be unstable. If there is no way out, the diesel fuel will definitely not be exhausted." Cross-eyed sat in the captain’s seat
"Are all boats burning diesel?" King kong cannon curious asked.
"It’s not necessarily that warships and ships like ours burn diesel. Those freighters generally burn heavy oil, that is, the worst oil to save money." Cross-eyed shook his head and said.
"Is this a radar?" King Kong Gun stretched out his hand and pointed to the LCD screen in the center of the control room. The LCD screen is square with a diameter of 60 cm and its surface is covered with green lines.
"Our fishing boat has no radar. This is a navigation communication instrument for fishing boats. The fishing center guides the route to avoid hitting rocks and crossing national boundaries through this." The first mate raised his hand and pointed a little white dot at the southwest corner of the screen. "This is where we are now."
"What about this? Is it a line?" King kong cannon and pointed to the console side a microphone sample things.
"This is the coast station," the first mate replied.
Cross-eyed, I saw King Kong Gun chasing the first mate and asked these retarded questions. Instead of getting suspicious, I was relieved. He knew that King Kong Gun and I couldn’t ship, so naturally we couldn’t hijack the ship.
And I didn’t stop the king kong cannon from asking questions for my reasons. Once I entered the deep sea, I had to gain absolute control of the ship, otherwise they would definitely turn around and run back when they saw those incredible things or animals.
"How can we get in touch with the shore from the sea?" I lit a cigarette and asked cross-eyed. Although I asked questions purposefully, I couldn’t make them feel that I was purposeful
"General communication equipment, but communication equipment is not as good as CDMA. That signal has coverage in the sea, but once it goes away, nothing will be good." Cross-eyed nodded and said
After listening to the cross-eyed words, I frowned and showed my dissatisfaction. In fact, my heart was quite happy. It’s no trouble to contact me.
Just as I was talking to the cross-eyed Kung Fu Kung Fu King Kong Gun became interested in the rudder of the big deputy, he had the nerve to try it. It was difficult for the first mate to look back and nodded with a cross-eyed smile.
The king kong cannon took the helm with great interest and arrived less than three minutes later, shouting that the fishing boat was too low in configuration, and the fishing boat was spinning in the same place, not because of his poor skills, but because the fishing boat did not have the function of automatically returning to the direction.
"It’s not the same thing as a car." The first mate smiled and adjusted the direction of the boat and drove smoothly forward.
"Yes, the car is sitting on this." King Kong Gun nodded gravely.
"Let’s go out and have a look around." When I saw that the situation was almost the same, I walked out of the control room with a king kong gun.
"Old cow, look at this." I went to the bow and pulled the tarpaulin covering the whale fork.
"Such a big harpoon?" King Kong cannon immediately went forward to look at his eyes.
"Whale fork is specially designed to catch whales." I nodded and smiled.
"Why is it so old?" King Kong cannon asked doubtfully.
"It’s no problem." I nodded and said that the whale fork was launched by air pressure. A lot of rust spots have appeared in the pressure cylinder. Fortunately, the steel wire rope with a diameter of two centimeters is protected by oil pollution. The rust is not serious and the spear head is not damaged for one meter.
"Where did you get such a rarity?" The king kong cannon lifts its foot and steps on the pedal pressure cylinder to boost pressure.
"It was unloaded from the old ship yesterday." I pointed to the welding part of the whale fork hull.
"Try it?" After stepping on the cannon for a long time, I finally hit the pressure cylinder. The pressure cylinder can be up to fifteen pressures. At present, the pointer is at ten, which is located in the normal green box and the dangerous red box.