
1. **养肝明目**:杭白菊具有很好的养肝明目作用,对于缓解眼睛疲劳、视物模糊、眼睛干涩等症状有显著疗效。对于经常用眼的工作者,如电脑操作员,杭白菊茶是一个很好的护眼选择。

2. **清心补肾**:杭白菊有助于清心火,补肾阴,对于心火亢盛、肾阴不足引起的症状有一定的缓解作用。


3. **健脾和胃**:杭白菊可以调和脾胃,对于胃痛食少、消化不良等症状有一定的改善作用。

4. **润喉生津**:杭白菊能润喉,对于治疗咽喉肿痛、嗓子干燥等有良好的效果。


5. **调整血脂**:杭白菊含有多种有益成分,有助于调整血脂,对心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **败火祛风**:杭白菊具有败火祛风的作用,对于容易上火、皮肤发干、眼睛肿胀、便秘等症状有一定的预防效果。

7. **解酒**:杭白菊具有一定的解酒作用,能够减少酒精的副作用。

8. **清热解毒**:杭白菊对于外感风热、头痛、口腔溃疡等症状有清热解毒的效果。

9. **抗炎抗菌**:杭白菊具有抗炎抗菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌、痢疾杆菌等多种细菌有抑制作用。

10. **降血压**:杭白菊所含的类黄酮和醇类物质能软化血管,清理血管壁上的胆固醇,有助于降低血压。

11. **美容护肤**:杭白菊汤沐浴可以起到去痒爽身、护肤美容的作用。




1. **高纤维含量**:全麦面包使用的是未去掉麸皮和麦胚的全麦面粉,含有丰富的膳食纤维,尤其是不可溶的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道健康,改善消化功能,预防便秘。

2. **低血糖生成指数(GI)**:全麦面包的血糖生成指数(GI)较低,大约为50,远低于白面包的90。这意味着全麦面包能够缓慢释放能量,有助于控制血糖水平,适合糖尿病患者和需要控制血糖的人群。

3. **丰富的营养素**:全麦面包含有较多的B族维生素、矿物质如铁、镁和锌等,这些营养素对于维持身体机能、促进新陈代谢和增强免疫力都至关重要。

4. **有助于减肥**:由于全麦面包的能量密度低于白面包,且富含膳食纤维,能够增加饱腹感,因此对于需要控制体重的人来说,全麦面包是一个理想的选择。

5. **心脏健康**:全麦面包中的纤维有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,减少心血管疾病的风险。


6. **预防慢性疾病**:全麦面包中的纤维和营养素有助于降低患某些类型癌症的风险,如结肠癌。

7. **减少炎症**:全麦面包中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,有助于减少体内炎症。


– 观察面包的外观,优质的全麦面包颜色较深,表面有清晰的谷物颗粒,质地紧密,气孔均匀。
– 查看营养成分表,确保面包确实使用100%全麦粉,并且没有添加过多的糖和油脂。
– 避免选择含有添加剂、色素或防腐剂的全麦面包。



1. **排毒出汗**:酵素浴通过高温促进身体出汗,有助于皮肤毛孔扩张,加速体内毒素的排出,从而改善皮肤营养,促进新陈代谢。

2. **改善微循环**:泡酵素浴后,微循环中的红细胞流速加快,皮肤色泽变红、细腻光泽,有助于改善高血压、哮喘、肥胖等疾病患者的症状。


3. **增强免疫力和神经调节力**:酵素浴可以增强人体抵抗力,预防感冒和气管炎,调节中枢神经,使反应更加灵敏,头脑清晰。

4. **促进睡眠**:通过药物的渗透作用,使皮肤出汗,不会引起干渴烦躁,有助于改善睡眠质量,休息后感觉疲劳顿消。

5. **改善心脏功能**:泡酵素浴后心跳加快,心脏输出量增加,改善血液循环的原动力。

6. **促进肠胃蠕动**:泡酵素浴可以促进肠胃蠕动,有助于改善便秘等肠胃问题。

7. **降脂作用**:酵素浴有助于降低血脂,对心血管健康有益。

8. **提高自愈能力**:酵素浴中的负氧离子有助于提高人体的自愈能力。

9. **改善体质和预防疾病**:通过促进血液循环和代谢,酵素浴有助于改善体质,预防多种疾病。

10. **美白护肤**:酵素浴有助于改善皮肤状态,达到美白和护肤的效果。

11. **舒缓神经,放松身心**:呼吸松柏木的香气可以舒缓神经,让人感到轻松愉快。

12. **适合不同人群**:从米糠酵素浴到香柏木酵素浴,再到米糠香柏木综合酵素浴,不同类型的酵素浴可以满足不同人群的需求。



1. **活血通经**:新疆红花具有活血化瘀、通经活络的功效,对于调理女性月经不调、痛经、经闭腹痛等问题有显著效果,是女性保健的佳品。

2. **消肿止痛**:对于胸痹心痛、肋腹疼痛、皮下青紫、中风偏瘫等血瘀症状,新疆红花有很好的消肿止痛作用。


3. **化瘀消斑**:新疆红花可以化瘀消斑,对于瘀热郁滞所引起的斑疹色暗有改善作用,同时对预防和改善麻疹、斑疹等皮肤问题也有一定效果。


4. **降血脂**:红花油中含有丰富的红花油成分,能够降低血中总胆固醇、甘油三酯及非酯化脂肪酸的水平,对于高血脂有辅助治疗作用。

5. **降血压**:红花中的红花黄色素能够扩张周围血管,抑制血小板聚集,增强纤维蛋白溶解,降低全血粘度,从而起到降低血压的作用。

6. **美容养颜**:由于红花具有活血通脉的作用,常被用于美容养颜,对于改善肤色、预防皮肤问题有积极作用。

7. **辅助治疗跌打损伤**:跌打损伤引起的四肢痹痛或瘀痛,使用新疆红花治疗效果较好。

8. **辅助治疗其他疾病**:新疆红花在中医理论中还有消炎止痛、散郁开结、凉血解毒等功效,可用于治疗多种疾病。




1. **养血滋阴**:首乌能够滋养和补充血液,对于血虚引起的头晕目眩、心慌失眠等症状有显著疗效。

2. **润肠通便**:它能够增强肠道蠕动,促进胃液分泌,对于改善消化吸收、缓解腹泻和便秘有积极作用。

3. **抗衰老**:首乌含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够对抗自由基,延缓衰老,对皮肤健康有益。

4. **补肝肾、益精血**:首乌有补肝肾、益精血的功效,对于肝肾阴虚导致的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、白发、脱发等有治疗作用。

5. **乌须发**:首乌能促进血液循环,改善头发健康状态,有助于延缓衰老和减少掉发。

6. **增强免疫力**:首乌能够刺激人体的免疫系统,增强抵抗力,预防感染和疾病的发生。

7. **调节血糖和血脂**:首乌中的多糖物质能够有效降低血糖和血脂,具有一定的抗氧化作用。

8. **抗疟疾**:首乌有截疟之功,常用于治疗疟疾日久,气血两亏之病。

9. **保肝**:首乌对肝脏有保护作用,能够提高肝脏的保护功能,对脂肪肝、肝功能不良有修护作用。

10. **促进造血功能**:首乌能促进骨髓红细胞值的升高,有助于治疗贫血。

11. **镇静作用**:现代医学研究表明,首乌对中枢神经系统有镇静作用。

12. **降血脂和防治动脉硬化**:首乌能降低血脂,防治动脉硬化。


13. **抗血栓**:首乌具有一定的抗血栓作用。



### 主要功效

1. **补肾壮阳**:鹿角具有温补肾阳的作用,对于肾阳不足引起的腰膝冷痛、阳痿早泄、宫寒不孕等症状有较好的疗效。

2. **强筋健骨**:鹿角能够强壮筋骨,对于筋骨疼痛、骨软行迟、囟门不闭合等症有治疗作用。

3. **活血化瘀**:鹿角具有活血散瘀的功效,可以用于治疗瘀血导致的疼痛、产后瘀血腹痛、腰痛等。

4. **消肿**:鹿角具有消肿作用,适用于治疗疮疡肿毒、乳痈、乳腺炎等炎症性疾病。

5. **行血**:鹿角可以促进血液循环,对于瘀血、乳房肿胀等有改善作用。

6. **调理冲任**:对于女性月经不调、崩漏带下等症状,鹿角也有一定的调理作用。

### 临床应用

1. **疮疡肿毒**:鹿角可以用于治疗皮肤深处的疮疡、乳痈等,常与白芥子等药物配伍使用。

2. **化脓性乳腺炎**:对于乳房胀痛、发热、发硬等症状,可用鹿角粉末冲服或与蒲公英、连翘等药物合用。


3. **肾阳不足**:对于腰膝无力、四肢冷、健忘、多梦等症状,鹿角常与熟地等药材合用。

4. **鹿角胶**:鹿角胶具有补肝肾、止血的作用,可用于治疗吐血、咯血伴随肢冷腹痛等。

5. **鹿茸霜**:用于治疗白带、阴道不规则出血、四肢发冷、腹痛等症状。

### 食用禁忌

1. 鹿角性温,对于阴虚火旺者应忌服。

2. 服用鹿角期间,应注意血压变化,对于高血压患者需谨慎。

3. 服用鹿角时应注意剂量,一般用量在5-15克左右。


"Knife meaning-return to dust!" Lu Li is at the entrance of the 100 thousand group repair center

There is no knife to break the three lives, and there is no heaven to cut the law. This type is the magical power that the land is separated from its own feelings and integrated into one.
Its murderous limit condenses and condenses into an indestructible shield, and it bursts into madness in an instant from the whole humanized brilliance!
The blade’s sword pointed to 100 thousand leaving the wounds and slaughtering all beings!
Knife shadow, knife awn, and knife strength are as beautiful as killing demons in an ancient tomb. Only exquisite people can see at a glance that these knives mean to melt all the wounds of the former swords into them.
There is no need to say more about the intention of leaving the wounds and returning to the dust
Each of the 100,000 figures contains different artistic conception, but they are all one knife and one shield. The killing knife is unbreakable, and the killing shield is indestructible. One person shakes the whole array.
Fragmentation, collision, impact, and smashing will disintegrate the whole array of the Immortal Array in one fell swoop, and the hidden potential condensed by the alliance of 100,000 groups will be defeated by it!
Hundreds of monks can join hands to shake the realm and cultivate immortality, but when the battle is broken, they are equivalent to fighting each other and relying on the joint method to recover instantly.
As Lu Li said, everything comes back to dust with one knife, and the connection formed by hundreds of thousands of people relying on the large array was actually cut off by it.
This type of avatar looks like a hundred thousand figures, but it is actually a knife, which contains the psychological force of killing. It combines the killing intention with the sword, so that the hundred thousand shadows can be cut off by the edge method, and the hidden potential is amazing.
"If this day rob Liu Mou also method to break through this reverse heart sutra layer-contrary to reason! I will shake the immortals! Drunk in the mouth, the murder in the eyes suddenly appeared, and Du Jie actually made a breakthrough. At this time, he suddenly showed the first power to reverse the heart meridian! "
Reversing every layer of the Heart Sutra is a leap, so it contains a lot of magic gas in an instant, and it is soaring in an instant, and its skyrocketing degree has reached 266 times, which is called shocking and refreshing today!
Not only that, but such a surge in power is not an ordinary day, even if it is the peak of the robbery realm, and dzogchen is even half a step, Jin Xian itself can’t afford it. Once such a violent and huge force enters the body, it will surely explode and die.
But it’s so serious that it’s against reason and heaven!
From a distance, that magic armor looks like Mundus’s remnant days, or its implication is limited to killing. It’s just that the image is a little more horrible than the remnant days, just like an amazing demon king!
There is nothing wrong with melting the demon king Yuan God, and at this moment, the residual consciousness of the demon king Yuan God is also completely recognized that the land will leave the demon king with the ultimate control over the magic force.
In the distance, even the Gengetsu Devil, the Black Prison Devil, was horrified. The latter sank, "This is simply the devil in the world-why do I have the feeling of encountering an ancient demon king?"
There are no shortage of 100,000 brave soldiers. Even after hundreds of days of training, I said, "People don’t be afraid that at this moment, although the law can be turned around, it is not difficult to directly smash a master at the top of the realm into dust!"
If what he said is not a virtual killing fairy array, if it is motivated to the extreme, 100,000 monks will die, and it is not difficult for Jin Xian to cut the border. Therefore, it is said that "the robbery can cross the sadness and kill the fairy".
Although their large array strength has been weakened, it is difficult to play its full role, but after all, 99 arrays are all in sight, and their physical strength has been greatly reduced, but they are still there.
"kill!" Group repair rage Qi Lixiao, if the shocking murder is at the forefront, even if the mind has not yet been shot, it will be swallowed up by the murder and completely defeated.
But what they faced was killing a number of people, and they also smelted a statue of killing a god-the demon king walked out of the land several times from death!
The evil soldiers in their hands turn around and gather the tip of the poor magic gas to kowtow to the magic of the sky. Being surrounded by the magic armor is also an uncompromising direct magic trick-the magic knife kills God!
"The magic sword kills the sky!" This moment away from the whole person, such as the embodiment of the magic total annihilation.
A dark magic blade is like a moon and a half, like a sky wave. Half of the monks in the nine sides can resist the magic blade despite their efforts.
In an instant, everyone was cut off in the middle, and blood was violently sprayed out. Hundreds of soldiers were cut in half, and only a few people defended themselves. This was only in the moment of physical destruction that Yuan Shen escaped by luck.
The blood of 100,000 people poured from the sky, like knocking over a lake, and directly set off a blood rain, like a blood feast.
Blood rain, residual limbs and broken bones roared in the fierce wind and magic awn, which made the ground fight. Everyone was stunned and could not move. Such scenes were only seen in their lives as if they had fallen into the border purgatory
Especially in a foreign country, its belief almost collapsed at the moment of repair. Is it impossible for a different evil spirit to cause such a horrible scene in this way?
Can suddenly throw a thing in an instant, which is small but can devour people, gods and ghosts, and the soul contains resentment and arrogance, and it is the magic yang!
Those Yuan gods who escaped from Xiuxiu were not yet ready to escape, but were swallowed up by the magic Yang Zhu. The magic Yang Shu is a top-level magic weapon with ten-level swallowing ability. These monks are mostly seriously injured. Where can they escape?
Armed with a fierce knife and wearing a magic armor, it’s like a demon king coming down to the world and laughing wildly. If the whole person is crazy, he suddenly says to himself, "I will be slaughtered in a foreign country!" As soon as this Dao comes out, it drinks the blood of 100,000 creatures. Since then, it has become a demon spirit. Let’s call it the Ghost Dao! "
Chapter one hundred and thirty-three A terrible blow
Proud, half-separated, not chasing after the victory, immersed in the hell next to the blood and bones, like a statue of the last-time demon king overlooking the dead spirits.
Without lamentation and wailing, it would be hard to accept that the earth would fall into a dead silence and such a shocking upheaval would make the law return to god too soon.
The mysterious woman who just appeared behind the parallel army suddenly roared, "How outrageous!"
The sound move is to make moves, but in an instant, Bai Fan’s two places at once suddenly flicker and block it. "Don’t be angry, then you don’t have to fight him. I will-"
Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly said, "Who wants him to play? A group of gluttons! "
Say this woman unexpectedly left and disappeared instantly, immediately dumbfounded Bai Fan.

"Hey? What is this? "

He suddenly found that the sharp blade had a black flame burning, and all the hard sharp blades were burned and melted.
He quickly cast a black magic fog over two sharp knives.
This is his magical power, which can annihilate many spells.
This black flame, even the royal avatar, will be suppressed to some extent
However, all of a sudden, the black magic fog crashed and burned, just like the gas met a fire, and a black flame rose in an instant and enveloped him.
After several screams, the whole figure was burned to the ground.
"Let’s go, then what hidden thorn is estimated to have gone!"
After waiting for a while, Yu Guihai suddenly said casually
A line of three people move on.
After walking for a while, Ronasa’s face became more and more ugly.
"What’s the matter?" Yu Guihai saw that it was wrong and asked
"Forgive me! I can’t find my way! There seems to be something wrong with the burning incense in that treasure position, "Ronasa said with a burst of kneeling on the ground and trembling."
"Get up and talk about the situation there carefully," Yu Guihai said lightly.
"There is a kind of treasure that was discovered by the elder, and there is also a kind that can’t be banned. The ancestors put the fire incense outside the ban, and now it seems that something has changed," Ronasa said
"What is that treasure?" Yu Guihai asked
"It’s a holy medicine that can directly ascend to the third level of virtual realm after the virtual realm magic fruit," Ronasa said.
"Good thing" Yu Guihai nodded and said, this treasure is almost as good as his upgrade. You must get it.
It is said that this underworld is a good thing. It is very rare to cultivate elixirs in many realms, but here there are treasures that directly ascend to the virtual realm.
"Let me try and see if I can find the way!"
Ordered Yu Guihai wanted to think.
The two demons stepped back and looked at Yu Guihai curiously. I don’t know what he can do.
Yu Guihai turned over and took out an unremarkable dark ball, Daoyuan surging.
This thing is actually Zhenhai Tianzhu. He hid his colorful treasure light from the two demons by the waves.
Rumble ~ ~ ~
The ball suddenly came to the tsunami, and then the two demons saw huge dark waves roaring out of the ball and rushing towards the front passage.
This is because the sea water containing magic gas filled the whole passage, and in Yu Guihai, the huge Daoyuan urged the rapid filling of one fork after another along the way.
His mind has long been attached to the sea, and he controls the place where the sea passes.
"Let’s go!" Yu Guihai walked forward and the sea remained in front of him forever.
Ronasa’s two demons followed them with a stupid face, and they had never seen this coquettish fuck before.
Soon they realized the benefits of this method, and their eyes suddenly became hot.
This maze is forbidden, and you can feel tens of meters away. If you follow the current, you can feel far away. It’s a good way to find your way.
Even if there is enough water to fill the whole maze, isn’t the whole maze under control?
Then they were annoyed. No matter how good it is, it can’t wait until there is an opportunity or give it to the family.
At a node, three powerful monsters are facing each other, and among them is a small tree with red fruit.
Suddenly, they listened and heard the tsunami sound.
"What sound?" A monster asked.
"It seems like a tsunami" is another uncertain answer.
"Impossible, how can there be a tsunami here?" The third demon sneered.

However, his reaction made Favor Cai very angry.

In Favor Cai’s view, Lin Yang is simply looking at him.
For a man with a high heart, being treated like being hit in the face is an insult, but it makes Favor Cai feel even more uncomfortable. Things are yet to come …
Chapter 355 Learn God!
Lin Yanggang found a classmate with him next to his seat according to the quasi-test number posted on the desktop, which was like Columbus discovering the new continent. He cried with great surprise. "Lin Yang? Is this seat yours? That’s great. That’s great. I’ve been studying for the final exam these days. I have a headache. If I had known you were sitting next to me, why would I have a headache? Look at my classmates taking this final exam. You must help me. You must give me a hand. "
"Well …"
Lin Yang is wondering how to refuse each other next to a more excited sound rang "Lin Yang? Which Lin Yang is it? "
Twist a head to see this is a girl sitting behind Lin Yang in another class.
Before Lin Yang came, his classmate stepped forward and replied for him, "Which Lin Yang can it be? Of course, we are proud of Class 3 of Chinese Medicine, and even the teacher Sun Jiawen, who teaches the basic theory of Chinese Medicine, has to ask him for handouts Lin Yang. "
When this classmate said this, his tone was full of pride and pride. I didn’t know that people might really take him as Lin Yang after listening to it.
"You are the man who is called XueShen in our Chinese medicine? You sit in front of me? This is really too happy. "
After the surprise and excitement, the girl blinked her eyes and kept breathing at Lin Yang. At the same time, she pleaded, "Brother Xueshen, we are in the same classroom. It is fate that you sit in front of me, and it is fate that you must help me." Lin Yang said with a wry smile, "No, you listen to me …"
However, as soon as he started talking, he was interrupted by people around him.
Because the classmate and this girl were talking a little louder in surprise, all the candidates in this classroom knew that Lin Yang was the one who learned God in Chinese medicine, and most people in the classroom gathered around for a while.
In particular, those seats are very close to Linyang, and the candidates are naturally familiar with Lin Yang’s hand and say, "I am a fan of Xueshen. You must help me this time. I believe Xueshen will not watch his fans fail."
"Let me hold my hands and have some air. Maybe I can pass the exam smoothly later."
"Xue Shen, this is my mobile phone number. Remember to send me an answer message after you finish the question later. I’ll treat you to good food in the cafeteria for a month."
Cai Kang, who was sitting in his seat when Lin Yang was so noisy, looked somberly at the scene.
Favor Cai regards Lin Yang as his opponent. The more popular Lin Yang is, the more unhappy he is. Although Favor Cai will never help these people cheat, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want someone around him begging for help to pass an answer.
In Favor Cai’s view, it is extremely cool to be surrounded by people pleading, especially after these people pleading, and refusing that cool point with righteous words is absolutely explosive, but now everyone is buzzing around Lin Yang, that is, no one comes to beg for himself.
Favor Cai felt that she was being regarded again.
And this time, seeing others is far more than one.
"You idiots with eyes, I want you to know that I, Cai Kang, am the god of Chinese medicine and the best person in Chinese medicine." Cai Kang clenched his fists and swore in his heart.
In fact, no one around can blame Favor Cai himself.
Because Favor Cai’s academic performance is really good, but his personality is withdrawn and weird, whether he is with his classmates or roommates, he is very stiff, and on weekdays he always pulls a long face and looks gloomy, as if everyone owes him money. Under such circumstances, who else wants to go to stroke of bad luck near him?
"What’s the noise? This is the examination room, not the vegetable market. If you want to make noise, go outside the classroom and make noise. "
The invigilator strode into the classroom with a furious drink.
See this invigilator Lin Yang slightly one leng because this is still his old acquaintance-Liao Bangzhi, a famous tuina expert in medical school, is a professor in medical school. It is reasonable to say that this invigilation should not be done by him personally.
Just when Lin Yang felt puzzled, Liao Bangzhi strode across the platform with a test paper bag, glanced at everyone, raised his hand and pointed to the platform and said to Lin Yang, "Come, you come here to do the test paper, don’t I didn’t hear what you just discussed? Hum, do you want to harm someone’s eyelids? Not that possible. "
Everyone sighed and looked very lost.
Just after Lin Yang packed his things and sat on the podium, Liao Bangzhi said to him, "How can you thank me for helping you out?"
Lin Yang was stunned and then laughed. "How does Liao Lao want me to thank you?"
Liao Bangzhi smiled. "I will take a massage course for freshmen in 2008. Just remember to take my course then."
For this requirement, Lin Yang naturally won’t refuse to nod. "No problem, I have long wanted to ask Liao Lao for knowledge about massage."
Liao Bangzhi gave him a blank look and snorted. "You are not afraid to flash your tongue when you tell a little lie. If you really had this idea, you wouldn’t have stopped contacting me for so long. I remember I told you how to contact me, right?"
Lin Yang looked embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.
As the exam bell rang, Liao Bangzhi handed out the examination paper of basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine in his hand to every candidate.
That’s the end of the exam
After getting the test paper, Lin Yang did it quickly. The multiple-choice questions and the judgment questions in front of him were so difficult that he almost didn’t even want to get the correct answer at a glance.
Seeing that Lin Yang’s answer speed is fast, Favor Cai is not to be outdone. He is also doing the questions at an ultra-fast speed, and the other candidates in the classroom are envious and jealous after seeing the state of these two people.
"Why can’t I be as fierce as the two of them?" At this moment, I don’t know how many people are sighing in their hearts.
Soon Lin Yang did the last question on the test paper.
This is an essay topic with a simple word "Yin and Yang? Try to discuss "
Chapter 356 Too Uber!
Although this is the last question and the essay question with the most scores, the difficulty is actually not high. There is an answer to this question in the course of basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine. If you have reviewed the materials in class, you can get seventeen even if you can’t get full marks.
Seeing this question, Lin Yang answered it without thinking about it.
However, just as the tip of his pen was about to fall into the volume, his brow suddenly wrinkled, and the pen in his hand hovered over the test paper for a long time.
Favor Cai didn’t forget to glance at Lin Yang out of the corner of his eye while answering questions quickly. Obviously, he not only regarded the test scores as a means of competition, but also regarded the answering speed as a kind of competition.
At the moment, I can’t help but be overjoyed to see Lin Yang suddenly staying in Favor Cai for a quick answer. "It seems that he has a problem and doesn’t know how to answer this exam question. It is extremely easy for him to be stumped. Hum, at this level, he even dares to claim to be a god of learning. It’s so fucking shameless. In my opinion, it’s mostly false for Teacher Sun Jiawen to ask him for lectures."
At the same time, Favor Cai’s speed of answering questions has not been affected at all. He has also done the last question at the moment. After scanning the topic, he quickly wrote the answer that he had memorized on the test paper.
It is not only Favor Cai but also Liao Bangzhi, who is in charge of invigilation, who is surprised that Lin Yang suddenly stopped to answer questions. After meeting Lin Yang on the playground to save his classmates’ lives, Liao Bangzhi became interested in him and injected this freshman.

Ling Qing did not dare to neglect the secret mantra in his mouth when he saw it. He kept changing his tactics and tried to fuel the altar.

Forbidden Huaiyin Mountain, the altar-sealing method cover suddenly shines brightly.
"boom! ! !”
When the skeleton crashed into the shield, Lingqing felt that a great force was coming to his hand, and he would not be able to hold it.
Chapter one hundred and fourteen Beidou Shenfeng
Fortunately, he will shake his body and vent this great force in the altar and be divided by the other nine places.
At the same time, Tianxing Guangda Sheng smoothed the ripples of the shield and stood up.
How do you say the five ghost king is also a ghost fairy figure with extraordinary natural strength.
Ling Qing was killed by him if he didn’t rely on the magic of the altar to detain him.
See the skeleton bite for a while and then find Fanai shield and fly back to heaven to hit the future again.
He knows that he can’t do nothing like this, or he won’t be able to hold on if he doesn’t wait for Yan Chixia and others to kill himself in the underworld.
So after a shock, Lingbao Fu-fan resisted the impact of the skeleton.
Reach out and pick up the sword and water bowl from the bill
The right hand holding the sword and the left hand holding the water bowl also cursed the sword and the water.
When the seven stars are in the water bowl, please ask the refined Star King of the Big Dipper to descend into the water bowl with a sword.
Then go around the altar for a turn, and the mouth of the altar is filled with water, which is sprayed from the southeast, northwest, middle and five sides respectively.
Then curse yue
"Tianhe Shenshui Shubu Five-Party Sweep the Foul and Clean the Altar. Nine really put the forbidden guards on guard.
If there is any violation of the law, the Beidou god front will smash all ghosts and destroy thousands of fine gold, and all demons will be destroyed.
Urgent as a law. "
Then shake the sword in your hand and you will see it turn into a big dipper light and fly to the middle sky.
At the same time, my heart silently transports the heaven and the earth, and the big dipper’s photochemical and pure natural gas constantly fills this temporary half step.
For a moment, the clouds overhead have dissipated, and the stars in Beidou are getting brighter and brighter, and the stars are raining down like rain.
The light phase of the big dipper transformed by the magic sword was transformed into a seven-star sword hanging in the sky, pointing to the skull again.
At the same time, there is a star that hydrates and a water belt dances around the seven-star sword.
In the face of smashing a huge skeleton, the starlight water silk shakes it and slows down its strength.
Seven-star sword sends cold light and cuts it straight to poke a hole in it.
When the King of Five Ghosts over there saw it, he called it back and explored it. He found that the stars in the hole were shining for a long time.
I couldn’t help yelling, "How dare a good thief break my magic weapon!"
Then put your hand back and see the remaining four skeletons in the five ghost towns fly to him.
The previous one assimilated five bones and skeletons of the size of shackles.
He has a magic weapon in his hands.
I saw the five skeletons chasing each other round and round and drawing a circle in front of him.
As the five-color light flows, then there are stars flying out of it.
In a short time, the skeleton stopped to reappear. At this time, it was already intact and damaged, but you couldn’t see the wound left by the first seven swords.
"You have some means. No wonder you can behead Grandma Tree Demon."
The King of the Five Ghosts saw that the magic weapon was in good condition and sat on a black cloud.
Five skulls ring slowly rotating around looking at Lingqing said
"Now the king also don’t say let you drop me stupid ACTS make you underestimate.
Look, I’ll break your altar, take off your neck, and make a skeleton hammer with this weight.
So let the king change the name of the six ghosts king, and you can boast that I will kill the enemy in the future.
Look! "