
1. **润肺止咳**:龙牙百合具有甘凉清润的特性,对于肺阴虚引起的燥热咳嗽、肺虚久咳、痰中带血等症状有良好的治疗效果。

2. **清心安神**:龙牙百合对中枢神经系统有镇静作用,能够改善睡眠质量,减轻失眠现象,对于热病后余热未消、神思恍惚、失眠多梦等病症有显著效果。


3. **增强免疫力**:龙牙百合含有丰富的黏液蛋白质,有助于提高人体免疫力,增强体质,对白细胞减少症有预防作用。

4. **防癌抗癌**:龙牙百合含有丰富的生物碱,能升高血细胞,对癌症起到一定的预防作用,尤其是对化疗及放射性治疗后细胞减少症有治疗作用。

5. **缓解痛风**:龙牙百合作为一种碱性食物,有助于加快体内酸性物质代谢,防止血尿酸转化,从而缓解痛风。

6. **美容养颜**:百合含有黏液质及维生素,对皮肤细胞的新陈代谢有益,常食百合有助于美容养颜。

7. **补中益气**:龙牙百合具有补中益气的功效,有助于强身健体。


8. **调节大小便**:龙牙百合对大小便有一定的调节作用。

9. **解毒**:龙牙百合具有解毒功效,可以治疗无名肿毒及上血等症。

10. **促进血液循环**:龙牙百合有助于促进血液循环。




1. **增强肠道蠕动**:黄萝卜含有植物纤维,具有较强的吸水能力,在肠道中体积容易膨胀,能够加强肠道的蠕动,有利于通便,预防便秘,并可能具有一定的防癌作用。

2. **降糖降脂**:黄萝卜含有降糖物质,对于糖尿病患者是一种良好的食品。同时,它能降低血脂,促进肾上腺素的合成,具有降压、强心的作用,适合高血压和冠心病患者食用。


3. **健脾除疳**:维生素A是骨骼正常生长发育的必需物质,有助于细胞增殖与生长,对婴幼儿的生长发育尤为重要。

4. **益肝明目**:黄萝卜中的大量胡萝卜素可以转化为维生素A,对维持视力有好处,可用于治疗夜盲症,并有助于保护眼睛和皮肤黏膜的健康状态。


5. **增强免疫功能**:胡萝卜素在体内转变成维生素A,有助于增强机体的免疫功能,在预防上皮细胞癌变中起重要作用。同时,黄萝卜中的木质素也能提高机体免疫机制,间接消灭癌细胞。


6. **促进消化**:黄萝卜含有淀粉酶,能分解食物中的淀粉和脂肪,帮助食物得到充分吸收。

7. **清热解毒**:黄萝卜性微寒,味微苦甘辛,具有一定的清热解毒作用,有助于清除体内毒素。

8. **促进健康**:黄萝卜富含维生素C和微量元素锌,有助于增强机体免疫功能,提高抗病能力。此外,其富含的矿物质如钾、镁等也有助于促进肠胃蠕动,有助于体内废物的排除。



1. **改善头部疾病**:艾灸印堂穴对头痛、头晕、失眠、高血压、神经痛等头部疾病有较好的缓解作用。


2. **调理五官**:对于鼻部疾病如鼻塞、流鼻水、鼻炎,以及眼部疾病如眼干涩、眼睛痒、眼睑下垂、眼睛酸涩和肿痛等,艾灸印堂穴也有一定的疗效。

3. **调节内分泌**:对于内分泌失调导致的痘痘问题,艾灸印堂可以改善内分泌,祛风安眠,去脾胃湿热,从而有助于改善痘痘。


4. **改善肤色**:通过艾灸印堂,可以改善面部血液循环,使面色更加红润,有助于均匀肤色和祛斑。

5. **增强免疫力**:艾灸印堂穴可以疏通气血,增强体质,提高免疫力。

6. **延缓衰老**:对于体质偏阳虚者,艾灸印堂穴可以疏通气血,恢复面部光泽,有助于延缓衰老。

7. **改善睡眠质量**:艾灸印堂穴可以改善睡眠质量,对失眠有一定的治疗作用。

8. **提升精神状态**:艾灸印堂可以缓解精神乏力,提升精神状态。



### 益处:

1. **提升免疫力**:艾草的浓郁香味通过香囊、熏蒸等方式,可以刺激人体生成免疫机制,增强人体正气,从而预防病邪和抵抗病毒入侵。

2. **祛湿散寒**:艾草具有祛湿、散寒的功效,对于调理身体,特别是春季女性调理身体有很好的帮助。

3. **助眠**:艾草的香气能够帮助缓解一天的疲劳,使人体更容易进入深度睡眠状态。

4. **调理月经和痛经**:艾草可以缓解痛经、暖宫散寒,对于月经不调等妇科问题有很好的调理作用。

5. **提神醒脑**:艾草的香气具有提神醒脑的作用,可以缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

6. **抗肿瘤、延缓衰老**:艾草中含有的精油成分,如1,8-桉叶素等,具有抗肿瘤和延缓衰老的功效。

7. **驱虫消毒**:艾草可以用于驱虫和消毒,如艾草熏蒸可以消毒房间,预防疾病。

### 应用:

1. **艾草香囊**:将艾草制成香囊佩戴,通过香气吸入和皮肤吸收,达到保健和预防疾病的效果。

2. **艾草坐垫**:使用艾绒坐垫,可以温经散寒、活血通络、补肾安胎等,适用于阳虚患者,特别是女性月经不调、腹部、手脚冰凉等症状。


3. **艾草泡脚**:艾草泡脚可以温经散寒,缓解疲劳,对妇科疾病和呼吸系统疾病有很好的辅助治疗作用。

4. **艾草熏蒸**:艾草熏蒸可以消毒止痒,对产妇洗澡或熏蒸有很好的保健作用。

5. **艾草锤**:艾草锤可以用于按摩和疏通经络,缓解疼痛,消除疲劳,改善睡眠。


6. **艾草入药**:艾草在中医学上有广泛的药用价值,可以入药治疗多种疾病。



1. **温经散寒**:艾叶具有温经散寒的作用,对于因寒邪引起的腹痛、月经不调、腰膝酸软等症状有很好的缓解效果。

2. **活血行气**:艾叶可以活血行气,对于血瘀引起的疼痛、头痛、胸闷等症有治疗作用。

3. **抗菌消炎**:艾叶具有很好的抗菌消炎作用,可以用于治疗感冒、咽喉炎、肠炎等疾病。

4. **治疗妇科疾病**:艾叶对于妇科疾病,如痛经、月经不调、崩漏等,有很好的治疗作用。

5. **养颜美容**:艾叶可以温经络,促进气血流通,使脸色更加红润,对于养颜美容有很好的效果。

6. **提高免疫力**:艾叶具有提高免疫力的作用,经常饮用艾叶水,可以增强身体的抵抗力。

7. **驱虫除湿**:艾叶具有驱虫除湿的作用,可以用于治疗湿疹、脚气等疾病。

8. **镇静安神**:艾叶煮水喝可以起到镇静安神的作用,对于失眠、焦虑等症有很好的缓解效果。

9. **促进血液循环**:艾叶煮水泡脚,可以促进血液循环,缓解手脚冰凉的症状。


10. **收敛止血**:艾叶对于出血症状,如吐血、咳血、大便带血等,有很好的收敛止血作用。


1. 适量使用,过量可能会引起不适。
2. 对于过敏体质的人群,使用艾叶前应先进行过敏测试。
3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女和有特殊疾病的人群,应在医生指导下使用。



1. **增强免疫力**:红枣富含维生素C,这是一种强效的抗氧化剂,能够增强人体的免疫力,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。


2. **抗癌抗肿瘤**:红枣中含有三萜类化合物和环磷酸腺苷等成分,具有抗癌和抗肿瘤的作用。

3. **养护肝脏**:红枣中的维生素C、糖类物质和环磷酸腺苷等成分有助于促进肝脏内蛋白质的合成,提高肝脏对有毒物质的分解能力。

4. **防治心血管疾病**:红枣中的维生素C和维生素P以及环磷酸腺苷有助于促进血液微循环、软化和扩张血管,改善心肌功能,对防治动脉硬化和冠心病等心血管疾病有益。

5. **镇静催眠**:红枣中含有的黄酮-双-葡萄糖甙a物质,有助于镇静和改善睡眠。


6. **补气养血**:红枣能补中益气,强健脾胃,对于改善气血不足、面色苍白等症状有积极作用。

7. **防治骨质疏松和贫血**:红枣中含有丰富的钙和铁,有助于补充人体所需的营养,对防治骨质疏松和贫血有很好的效果。

8. **美容养颜**:红枣中的维生素C和维生素B族能够促进皮肤细胞代谢,增强皮肤弹性,减少皱纹和色素沉着,从而达到美容养颜的效果。


9. **止咳润肺**:红枣冰糖煮水可以润肺止咳,对于缓解咳嗽症状有一定的帮助。


If Taishan was not outnumbered and was injured during the turmoil, the shadow killing would definitely be a big killing.

The resentment accumulated in the siege of Chu Yun after that anger was completely released in this way when it came to the outside world.
The black humanoid light and shadow was completely killed without leaving any trace. After all this, he closed his eyes slightly. He wanted to feel the other side and take a look at what the outside enemy was hiding in.
But it is this move that makes Shadow Kill just close his body and shudder!
Because he clearly felt that there was no other figure in this nine-day unique array!
"Is it true that the outside enemy is not in the big array?"
Shadow Kill opened his eyes again, and his heart was full of doubts. The other party should be showing abnormal breath, but at this time, he still didn’t catch anything. It’s incredible how this person did it.
The Taikoo Sect Master also regained his sanity, but he lost his soul in a short time, which made him feel scared. What kind of terror did he encounter, Friar?
Just at this moment, many golden fairies appeared in the outside world, saying, "Native Wagou dares to stop my footsteps!"
This time, the breath of the other party is too obvious, and the tone tears the whole world, which makes everyone feel scared. With this speech, a figure strongly hits the nine-day array, which makes many masters who are driving the large array roar like a mountain hitting everyone.
Guigu cunning than in the second collision with the figure, he cleverly made a gap, which made the man directly step into the large array, and then the gap was completely sealed.
This time, it should be true that the other party is trapped in a large array, and life and death should be completely ended!
Everyone is ready, especially the Taikoo sect leader, whose eyes are full of blood and murder. He has been playing tricks all his life and hates being controlled. Will he let it go?
Chapter 35 Lu Yun reappearance
Many Jin Xian overlords are still fighting outside, while an unknown abode of fairies and immortals, Chu Yun, is lying on a stone platform with his eyes closed as if he were in eternal sleep.
Although his eyebrows are still locked in a deep sleep
In front of its head stood a small warship-like object with a strange metallic luster.
If Lu Yun saw it, he would be surprised. Therefore, it’s the time shuttle!
The surprising thing is yet to come, because there are sixteen such small warships in Chu Yun’s body, that is, sixteen time shuttles!
Breathing heavily is like falling asleep.
But at this moment, Chu Yun suddenly said like a dream, "I will go to the future if I can’t see the future clearly!"
When the sixteen small warships flashed together, the vortex suddenly formed and Chu Yun was pulled into it.
Time-shifting is not like the change of mountains and rivers in the past that spans thousands of years.
I don’t know if it has traveled for thousands of years.
In Qingchuan prairie, a man stood in the wind with five beautiful women beside him.
Male appearance is in his twenties, and his whole face is as rich as jade, with a kind of elegance but without losing the colorful streamers in the eyes of the king.
The slender figure of a man in a blue suit with the breath of returning to nature gives people an unfathomable feeling. At the moment, his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which seems to be a little worrying.
The remaining five women have different looks, including cold and beautiful women, charming women and mature charm.
Such a scene is not a Lu Yun family, but someone else?
I noticed that Lu Yun looked proud and his eyes were moving lightly. "It’s all dull in the past three years, and it’s still worrying?"
Lu Yun smell speech was about to answer the sudden flash of divine light in his eyes. "Someone is spying on everyone, so I’ll go and check it out first."
It’s a flash of time, and then it disappears in the blink of an eye.
Liu Yun, the incarnation of time, transported the idea of heaven and earth, and the divine wave detected the location of the snooper hundreds of thousands of times every instant, but the result surprised him very much.
Lu Yun is the top strong man in the realm of Jin Xian at the moment, but the eye can lock the spy figure and detect a virtual shadow about several miles away from himself, which surprised his heart.
Mind move Lu Yun no longer retains its absolute strength to display its mind. God waves continuously send out five thoughts. Each frequency is as high as one million times per second. Five detection waves shuttle and interweave with each other, forming a pair of five phoenix sunrise pictures, which implies the power to trap the gods and destroy the immortals. Obviously, Lu Yun has reached an extraordinary realm of his own learning.
At this time, however, there was a more shocking scene.
The man did not know how to use a kind of means to easily resolve Lu Yun’s five mind waves, which were directly swallowed up and absorbed. The second way turned back and the third way was trapped by the man’s special force. It seems that the mystery of the mind waves was solved, and the remaining two waves passed through the virtual and returned soon, which is a great gain.
Standing still, Lu Yunao stood half-way toward the distance and said, "The odd number pavilion in the 37 th world has been so repaired that I have only seen it in my life."
A few miles away, the strange light flashed as if there was a response, and a sound entered Lu Yun’s ear. The sound was simple and desolate, as if it had gone through thousands of bloody battles and crossed several generations of reincarnation. It definitely belonged to the top strong. It was his identity that made Lu Yun suspicious. The impression was like such characters.
Listening to the sound, "Lu Yun’s practitioners said that the seven realms of gods have been cultivated in the late Jinxian period, but everything in the catastrophe has died out. If you don’t care about the eternal giants, it’s hard to be lucky that I sent you a video. It’s a fate between you and me."
Lu Yun smell speech was baffled by his recent uneasiness, but he has been trying to measure its source. Now he has been honored as the seven gods in the later period of Jinxian. It is a pity that all five wives are living around him. Is it really a catastrophe as this mysterious predecessor said? The dark Lord has been destroyed by Tianlin, and the catastrophe has come from?
Hostile Lu Yun calmly said, "Please ask your predecessors for advice."
Lu Yun has changed his mind at the moment. Although the theory of repairing himself may not be in the other side, as far as Lu Yun intuition is concerned, this person’s experience is not in his ancestors, and repairing shocking customs will easily prevent him from being born as an antique figure.
"So you can look carefully."
After that, a huge light curtain appeared in the sky, and several lights flowed to form a colorful picture.
"This is this!"
Lu Yun’s eyes stared straight at the scene of the light curtain, and his thoughts were dragged into the memory. The whole person’s body and soul also entered the light curtain to shuttle through an illusory world.

This is a kind of blood pressure, which comes from the fear in the depths of ancient memories!

Although Su Mo, who suppressed the large array of forces in the Quartet, is still hard to move, he is surrounded by a real dragon.
The real dragon has been so terrible.
What will it be like to be able to control the real dragon?
Master heaven and earth, master all gods!
Don’t say it’s the real people around you, even the people who stand in the distance and seal the glass palace feel a thrill.
"Tin Shing Yip, get back!"
Glass palace seal the first to react shout at top of voice.
Tin Shing Yip was awakened by a shock and realized that he would retreat from Sumerian distance.
But it’s too late.
Su Mo’s eyes are as light as taking a deep breath and suddenly opening their mouths.
Almost at the same time, its body is surrounded by the real dragon, and it is also breathing in with a big mouth, and its body is swollen several times, and it forms a burst of hurricanes in the middle of the huge airflow.
At the same time, the real dragon opens its jaws and reveals ferocious fangs, and the dragon drools!
At the same time, a loud roar broke out in one person and one dragon mouth!
Su Mo’s black hair danced around his neck and the veins stood out exposed his eyes, and he roared forward, and dragons broke out in his mouth!
The wind and cloud change color and fly sand and stones!
This is the real dragon rhyme.
Can be much more powerful than Lei Yin!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
Most of the people who fix the truth in this circle closest to Su Mo can’t bear the shock of dragons and instantly explode into clouds of blood fog.
A little farther away, some monks’ faces showed blood stains. Although the flesh was not fried, it was shattered!
More monks stared at their eyes in the same place, and slowly stretched out blood in their eyes, which was already dead!
After the dragons, all was silent!
Some monks’ monster mounts, regardless of whether they are ancient relics or pure blood fierce beasts, are shivering with fear and shit.
Countless people were killed by this dragon song!
There is a river of blood everywhere around Su Mo like purgatory!
The demon array in Sifang Town can ban him, suppress him in the same place, but seal him!
"Even if I can’t kill you, it’s like killing a dog!"
Su Moyin is cold and murderous!
In Sumo, Fiona Fang, you can still reach Tin Shing Yip.
His body is really strong.
In this way, Long Yin still hasn’t fallen.
But his eardrum has been shattered, and the wound in his right arm has burst. His mind is white and he can’t perceive everything around him.
"Go back quickly!"
The seal of Liuli Palace shouted loudly
Many real people in Liuligong then are rushing towards this person across the vast sea of people and want to save Tin Shing Yip.
Gradually, Tin Shing Yip regained some perception, and her eyes were occupied by panic and she wanted to leave and retreat.
For a moment, he saw Su Mo’s mouth mocking.
Sue ink mouth light say a word.
Around him, it’s really soaring and roaring. Instantly, it comes down on Tin Shing Yip’s head, slightly bowing and staring at him!
Tin Shing Yip was scared out of her wits.
Tick tock!
The dragon’s saliva dripped on Tin Shing Yip’s face, and he dared not wipe it!

"You mean this array is an inductive suppression rather than a power level?" Yu asked to move in the sea.

"It’s the master, but there’s not much difference between the two. How can a strong man master the power of the palm of his hand?" Yunpeng Yue laughed
"Very well, organize all your information here on the opposite side and give it to me."
He told me that he was a little excited. If it was induction and suppression, depending on the level of strength, there was really nothing for him here.
After all, his cultivation is the level of enlightenment, but his strength level is not inferior to that of palm enlightenment.
Even in a place like this, he will fight here at home, and even if he is in charge, he may be killed by him!
"Yes, master!" On Yunpeng respectful upon back.
A few days later, a figure entered Liang Shi from the hot spring and soon disappeared into the dense fog.
Yu Guihai walked in Liang Shi, where Liang Shi is ten meters wide, which is quite narrow compared with the huge size of the strong people of all ethnic groups.
He can clearly sense the attraction of terror from the abyss outside Liang Shi. Without the strength of the palm, he can’t resist this attraction. Once he leaves Liang Shi, he will be sucked into the abyss and disappear.
In Liang Shi, it will not be attracted by this suction wave.
However, according to Yue Yunpeng and others, Liang Shi is also uneasy about other dangers hidden in the fog, and many strong people have inexplicably fallen when passing through Liang Shi.
Ga ga ga ~ ~ ~
While thinking, Yu Guihai suddenly heard a strange call, which was deafening and sharp, such as a magic sound that directly attacked people’s consciousness
If the consciousness is not strong enough, it is likely to be influenced by it, and the mind will jump directly into the abyss or encounter other accidents.
Yu Guihai’s consciousness is stronger than that of this kind of sound-finished epidemic, and he feels a little noisy.
He looked at a gray fog in the same place, and soon there was a strange shadow in the gray fog. This is an entity that is very abstract in shape like a bird, and can’t see the details such as facial features and feathers clearly, and has a general shape.
This thing also has no sense of breath, if it is not perceived by the eyes and other senses, if it is not perceived by danger, it will not be able to find the position of this strange bird in this direction.
I belong to the sea, and this thing is really weird. No wonder the spirit world calls it a strange shadow.
He didn’t dare to let the strange bird get close to him, and a powerful punch print crashed on the strange bird.
Poof ~ ~ ~
The strange bird’s shadow suddenly broke, and the black of the fragments quickly faded away, and the ordinary gray fog merged into the surrounding area.
Yu Guihai slightly one leng some didn’t expect this result.
This strange bird’s shadow attack power is very powerful enough to be comparable to that in the late period of the martial arts, but its defense power is too weak. He is out of the ordinary martial arts, and his power in the early period is mainly to test. I didn’t expect to kill it directly.
Moreover, the strange bird is very strange, and its body composition is that these ordinary fog are organized by some unknown energy to form this kind of life and death.
It is said to be a dead thing, but it can act, and it can also actively attack that it is a living thing, but it is unconscious. It is attached to the simple strange energy of fog.
This kind of thing reminds him of the world when he met the Kusu monster, but the Kusu monster has a core, but it is a strange puppet system
And this strange bird is similar to a puppet, and he did not find traces of puppet refining.
Yu Guihai thought for a while and gave up caring about the origin of strange birds and moved on.
He didn’t go far. His heart moved suddenly. See you later. The fog behind him suddenly broke a dark giant mouth. It was like a dinosaur ferocious troll. Its huge head was like Tyrannosaurus Rex, but its body was twisted. Most of it was even in the fog.
Bang ~ ~ ~
He realized that the dinosaur troll broke out with one punch and then disappeared.
This thing is the same as the strange bird shadow except for its shape. Although it is easy to kill, it is really hard to resist if it is attacked by an ordinary strong person.
It is no wonder that there will be a strong man who disappeared and was killed by this monster.
Yu Guihai went all the way forward with a strong sense of danger and killed more than ten strange shadows in a row and came to a round wide platform.
There are more than a dozen such places in Liang Shi Passage, but they are more dangerous than other places in Liang Shi.
Yu Guihai walked slowly into the frustum of a cone
Hula ~ ~ ~
A strange wind came from the abyss and returned to the sea with freezing cold, so strong that my body felt a little cold.
His heart moved and burst into a hot gas, and in an instant he burned the cold.
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
There was a strange animal call faintly in the void.
Yu Gui’s expression on the sea surface moved on. In this way, he walked and killed all the way, which was a thorough insight into the danger here. No wonder no one will enter Liang Shi during this foggy period.
When he stepped out of a fog, a giant city appeared. This giant city hot spring is also made of high-order spiritual materials such as green light stone. The front wall presents a semicircle and surrounds a large area at the exit of Liang Shi passage.
The walls and the ground are covered with all kinds of laws to prohibit people from escaping from each other’s eyes and ears, even if they are in the palm of their hands, they will be in danger because of the suppression of laws.
Yu Guihai looked at the wall carefully on the edge of the fog.
His eyes became strangely vertical pupil, and his body seemed to be integrated into the virtual surrounding detection spell root, so he could not be detected here. This is the blood hiding ability of the civet cat, and now he can display it enough to deceive the palm of his hand to detect it.
On the opposite side of the city wall, there is a statue of guards, some of whom are horseheads and birds, which is the transformation form of Luan Ma people.
The other part is pure human beings. These human beings are very similar in appearance, except that they are huge as giants. This is the human form of the Luanma people.
Yu Guihai didn’t feel the rising breath of the world from these people. Obviously, people here are born and raised in the spiritual world.
Maybe their ancestors used to be soaring, but they are no longer.
It is hard to guarantee whether such people will be friendly to the world’s ascending people. After all, they have forgotten the glory of their ancestors for so long.
Yu Guihai observed for a while and turned his eyes to the front.
From Liang Shi to the gate of the city, there are layers of array prohibitions. Even those who are good at hiding the strong come here, they can cross this distance without touching the array prohibitions.
Yu Guihai is a top leader in array law, and his array law has already reached an extremely advanced level, especially after absorbing the advanced array law knowledge of the major races in the spiritual world.
He said bluntly that except for the large array of stars on Sunday, which is the most secretive town of all ethnic groups, other laws are no longer difficult in his eyes.

This is a productive talent!

Pang Hu Hang Xiaobai, the chief terran refiner of Qinglong Group, is also only level 4.
A force like Skynet.
But there are some level 5 refiners.
Golden Hammer is a senior refiner. His value in production is far higher than that in combat.
"Is this the human world?"
After the golden hammer came to Jiangcheng, it was first taken around by the dog, visited a bustling Qinglong Street, and met with other producers in Qinglong Production General Hospital.
He was completely shocked.
Although I knew there were many terrans,
But I never thought it would be so much.
Humans in the wilderness are not even nine Niu Yi hairs.
Hang Yu asked, "How did you feel after shopping for a long time?"
"The scale of mankind is too large. Although the new arrival race is not well-known in the spiritual world now, it will definitely be a big family in the future. My golden hammer is thorough!"
To be honest, I used to think that the Terran Shaquan City would be defeated in nine cases out of ten, but now I have seen the human world and I have to withdraw this idea.
"The master may really win!"
The grey dwarf is very honest and frank.
"It’s good that you know. Besides, I don’t like people calling me master. Just call me boss like two dog." Hang Yu paused. "I’m going to arrange for you to take charge of the cutting-edge equipment system in Qinglong Production General Hospital. I’ll arrange the first one for you now."
Take out four drawings: ancient jihad helmet, ancient jihad breastplate, ancient jihad trousers and boots.
Golden hammer eyes stare perfect face said with "a set of blue equipment drawings? Master … How did the boss get this level of things? Even the big lords may not be able to collect them! "
at bottom
Golden Hammer is a dwarf.
Dwarves are very obsessed with refiners.
He has never built such advanced equipment!
These four drawings are more attractive to the golden hammer than the high-level skill stone!
It is a great achievement for a dwarf to master this equipment building method!
Hang Yu said, "Never mind where it came from, I will give you these four pieces of equipment in five or six days!" "
"What? Five or six days? This is impossible! "
Golden Hammer knows very well how difficult it is to build a blue piece of equipment.
He is a thirteen-year-old senior gray dwarf in the spirit world.
However, the blue clothes made by this generation add up to only three.
Forging blue clothes makes the materials generally expensive blue materials, and blue materials are not only expensive but also very rare. Every piece of equipment needs a lot of time to find materials.
Hang Yu interrupted the dwarf, "Don’t worry about the materials, don’t underestimate our human ability, and don’t underestimate my ability. Can you complete all four pieces of equipment and materials in two days?"
Two days?