
### 甲鱼的保健功效

1. **滋补强身**:甲鱼富含维生素A、维生素E、胶原蛋白、多种氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸和微量元素,能提高人体免疫功能,促进新陈代谢,增强抗病能力。
2. **养颜美容**:甲鱼中的营养成分有助于养颜美容和延缓衰老。
3. **调节阴阳**:甲鱼血中含有丰富的动物胶和角蛋白,具有滋补潜阳、恶化补血消肿的作用,可以平肝火,对肝脾肿大、闭经、经漏及小儿癫痫等病症有治疗作用。
4. **促进伤口愈合**:甲鱼能促进伤口愈合,滋阴养阳,对白头发有治疗作用。
5. **增强体力**:甲鱼中的蛋白质含量高,比鸡蛋还高30%,比牛奶的4倍还高,含18种氨基酸,能增强体力和抗疲劳。

### 使用指南

1. **选择甲鱼**:选择中等大小的甲鱼,冬季甲鱼肥美,春秋季亦可,夏季甲鱼品质稍次。
2. **烹饪方法**:甲鱼可清蒸、炖汤等,滋味鲜美。
3. **食用时间**:甲鱼性寒,阳虚、寒性体质的人不宜食用,即使是健康人也不宜长期食用。

### 注意事项


1. **禁忌人群**:阳虚、寒性体质、胃肠功能虚弱、食欲不振者、虚胖、胃口不好、孕妇及产后泄泻的人、患慢性胃炎、肾功能不全、活动性肝炎、肝硬化等病人不宜食用甲鱼。
2. **食用量**:甲鱼富含蛋白质和脂肪,不宜过量食用,以免影响消化功能,尤其是脾胃虚弱的人。
3. **新鲜度**:甲鱼死后极易变质,必须鲜宰活杀。鉴别活甲鱼的鲜活程度,可将甲鱼仰翻在案上,能迅速翻身的甲鱼质量最佳。
4. **烹饪方法**:甲鱼裙边等部位含有动物胶质,不易消化吸收,一次食用过多可能败胃,影响消化功能。



### 益处:

1. **提高免疫力**:青柚含有丰富的维生素C,能够增强人体的免疫系统,提高抵抗力。

2. **心血管健康**:青柚中的钾元素有助于维持心脏健康,降低血压,软化血管,减少心血管疾病的风险。

3. **降血糖和降血脂**:青柚中的某些成分有助于降低血糖和血脂,对于糖尿病患者和高血脂患者有益。

4. **消化系统功能**:青柚含有丰富的纤维素,有助于改善消化系统功能,预防便秘。

5. **美容养颜**:青柚中的维生素C和抗氧化剂能够对抗自由基,有助于延缓衰老,美白皮肤。

6. **促进伤口愈合**:青柚中的维生素C和其他营养素有助于促进伤口愈合。

7. **润肺止咳**:青柚性寒,具有一定的润肺止咳作用。


8. **解酒毒**:青柚具有解酒毒的作用,有助于减轻饮酒后的不适。

9. **抗炎作用**:维生素C具有抗炎作用,有助于减少炎症。

### 影响:

1. **血糖影响**:由于青柚中含有一定量的糖分,糖尿病患者应适量食用。

2. **药物相互作用**:青柚中的某些成分可能会与某些药物发生相互作用,如降低某些药物的疗效或增加其副作用。

3. **胃肠不适**:对于胃肠敏感的人群,大量食用青柚可能会导致胃部不适。

4. **热量摄入**:青柚含有较高的糖分和热量,过量食用可能会导致体重增加。

5. **个人体质**:由于个人体质和健康状况不同,青柚的益处和影响也会有所不同。



1. **促进吸收**:肌底液可以软化角质层,帮助后续的护肤品、精华和面霜等更好地渗透到肌肤深层,提高其吸收效率。

2. **水油分离**:由于肌底液含有亲水又亲油的成分,它能够在肌肤表面形成一层薄膜,帮助后续护肤品中的水分和油分更好地分离,便于肌肤吸收。

3. **改善肌肤环境**:肌底液能够改善肌肤的环境,为后续护肤品的使用打下良好的基础。

4. **激活细胞**:某些肌底液中含有的活性成分可以激活肌肤细胞,增强肌肤的活力。

5. **强化基底膜**:肌底液能够强化肌肤的基底膜,从而改善肤质。


6. **软化角质层**:对于干燥或粗糙的肌肤,肌底液中的成分可以帮助软化角质层,使肌肤更容易吸收后续的护肤品。

7. **提高面膜吸收**:在敷面膜之前使用肌底液,可以帮助面膜中的精华更好地被肌肤吸收。

8. **针对特定肌肤类型**:对于渗透力较差的成熟肌肤,肌底液能够提供更好的护理效果。



1. **健脾补肺**:五指毛桃具有健脾的作用,可以改善脾胃虚弱引起的食欲不振、消化不良等症状;同时,它还能补肺,对于肺虚引起的咳嗽、气短等症状有缓解作用。

2. **行气利湿**:五指毛桃有助于行气,可以缓解气滞引起的胸闷、腹胀等症状;同时,它还能利湿,对于湿气引起的浮肿、小便不利等症状有改善作用。


3. **舒筋活络**:五指毛桃对于筋骨疼痛、风湿痹痛等症状有很好的缓解作用,可以帮助舒筋活络,改善肢体活动能力。

4. **活血化瘀**:五指毛桃酒可以活血化瘀,对于血瘀引起的经痛、腹痛、跌打损伤等症状有治疗作用。

5. **润肠通便**:五指毛桃具有润肠的作用,可以改善肠燥便秘的症状。

6. **止咳平喘**:对于咳嗽、气喘等症状,五指毛桃酒也有一定的缓解作用。

7. **抗炎镇痛**:五指毛桃酒具有一定的抗炎镇痛作用,对于一些炎症性疼痛有一定的缓解效果。

8. **提高免疫力**:五指毛桃酒可能有助于提高免疫力,增强身体的抵抗力。

9. **护肝**:五指毛桃具有一定的护肝作用,对于肝炎、肝硬化等肝脏疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

10. **外用治疗**:五指毛桃酒外用可以活血化瘀,对于跌打损伤、皮肤炎症等症状有辅助治疗作用。




1. **补充营养**:椰子肉含有糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素B族、维生素C以及钾、镁等微量元素,能够有效地补充人体的营养成分,增强机体的抗病能力。

2. **美容养颜**:椰子肉中的维生素C具有抗氧化作用,有助于清除人体自由基,改善粉刺和黑斑,使肌肤白皙。维生素E还能更新细胞角质,增添肌肤光滑,起到排毒美容的效果。


3. **利尿消肿**:椰子肉中的钾、镁等矿物质成分与细胞内液相似,有助于纠正脱水和电解质紊乱,达到利尿消肿的效果。

4. **杀虫消疳**:椰子肉有杀灭肠道寄生虫的作用,可以驱除姜片虫和绦虫,是理想的杀虫消疳食品,且无副作用。


5. **益气健脾**:椰子肉能够益气健脾,对于脾虚引起的恶心、呕吐、腹胀、腹痛、消化不良、食欲不振等症状有改善作用。

6. **生津止渴**:对于热病伤津导致的口渴、口干,适当食用椰子肉可以生发口中津液,缓解口渴口干症状。

7. **驻颜美容**:椰子肉含有的生长激素、维生素和微量元素等成分,经常食用能益人气力,补充细胞内液,扩充血容量,滋润皮肤,具有驻颜美容的作用。




1. **维持正常代谢**:氨基酸是构成蛋白质的基本单位,而蛋白质是人体组织的主要成分之一。氨基酸片能够提供组织细胞所需的氨基酸,维持人体正常代谢功能。

2. **促进肌肉生长与修复**:氨基酸是肌肉构成的重要成分,氨基酸片可以提供足够的氨基酸,促进肌肉的生长和修复,尤其对运动后肌肉的恢复有积极作用。


3. **增强免疫力**:氨基酸在人体免疫系统中扮演着重要角色,补充氨基酸片可以增强免疫力,预防和治疗多种疾病。

4. **改善脑部功能**:氨基酸是脑部神经元的重要营养物质之一,氨基酸片可以促进脑部的发育和功能,提高智力和记忆力。

5. **促进新陈代谢**:氨基酸片可以提高身体代谢能力,加速脂肪燃烧和能量利用,有助于健康减肥和体型塑造。

6. **保肝护肝**:氨基酸片具有保肝、护肝、修复肝组织、去肝火等作用,对慢性黄疸性肝炎、慢性乙型肝炎、慢性肝损伤、药物损伤性肝炎、肝硬化等都有一定修复功效。

7. **抗氧化作用**:氨基酸片中的某些成分具有抗氧化作用,可以抵抗自由基对身体的伤害,减缓老化过程。

8. **解酒护肝**:由于酒精对肝细胞有损害,氨基酸片能够帮助修复肝细胞,具有一定的解酒护肝作用。

9. **改善睡眠**:氨基酸片可以调节氨基酸代谢,改善睡眠质量。

10. **促进生长发育**:氨基酸是人体生长发育的重要物质基础,适当补充氨基酸片有助于促进儿童和青少年的生长发育。


Normally, if Wu Daozun is also in A-bi Hell, the two real bodies are connected and assisted by Linxi tactic, this should not happen.

Now Su Mo’s side cries like a stone without any response.
Su Mo pondered a little movement in his heart, and violet Yuan Shen meditated on Prajna Nirvana Sutra.
There are golden Sanskrit in the sea of knowledge, and there are virtual shadows of Buddhas, and the dragon elephant sings and Sanskrit is endless.
The town prison tripod is also trembling and contending slightly in this Sanskrit shock.
At this time, Su Mo finally sensed the location of Wudao Zun and he also received feedback from Wudao Zun!
A-nose hell is a world of its own and has its own unique rules and laws.
This is especially true in A Bi Hell.
Violet is really in a small hell, while Wudao Zun is caught in A-bi Hell. With violet’s real body, she can penetrate the rules of A-bi Hell.
There is a kind of sound that can reach every corner in A-bi Hell without being restricted by the rules here, and that is the Sanskrit sound of Prajna Nirvana Sutra!
Su Mo silently chanted Sanskrit in his heart, but this kind of power can go through many broken rules and statutes to reach Abi earth prison and Wudao Zun’s ear!
Chapter two thousand three hundred and thirty-seven Re-entry
At the same time, Abi Dadi Prison
Wu Daozun, who is suffering all his pains, suddenly opened his eyes and generate showed two divine spirits!
The opportunity to get out of trouble has appeared!
When I was in Abi earth prison, I was miserable. I didn’t know that I had passed Takuya outside and I didn’t know how to leave.
Here, Wu Daozun can’t feel the direction, just like being in the vast darkness and not seeing any light.
And violet’s Sanskrit voice directly reaches people’s hearts.
Violet is the light in the dark!
He needs to move in the direction of violet’s real body to get away from A-bi Hell!
Wu Daozun continues to bear the pain and move forward in the direction of violet’s true body.
It’s a long walk, and the distance between Wu Daozun and violet is not close at all.
He always seems to be standing still!
A-bi’s hell is exhausted and broken. If you leave one, you will enter another.
No matter where he is, he can escape from the hell of A-nose and suffer from all kinds of pains!
Even if Wu Daozun senses that Violet really knows the direction to escape from A-bi’s hell, it’s legal to leave!
Just then, four lights suddenly sounded ahead and galloped towards budo Zun.
Normally, A-bi’s prison is a misty place with no light.
Now, there are four lights in Abi Earth Prison, which can resist the rules and regulations here!
When these four rays come to the crowd, budo Zun will come in vain.
Violet’s real body sensed the position of Wudao Zun for fear that he would move the four holy souls out of the temple.
The strength of the four holy souls has been left after the Great Iron Surrounding the Mountain. There are only four faint glimmers left.
But after all, the four holy souls belong to the tripod spirit of the town prison. Even though their strength is weak, they are not controlled by the rules of A-bi Hell. They galloped all the way to Wu Daozun’s side.
The four sacred souls surround Wu Daozun, and the rule of A-bi Hell is also ineffective for Wu Daozun.
Guided by violet’s true body and guarded by four holy spirits, Wu Daozun regained his five senses and saw the dark and gloomy nasal door again!
But once he was thrown by the Emperor of Papman.
And this time, he will come back from the big hell of A-bi!
In a black mountain cave in Abi Hell.
Su Mo’s sit-in seems to be reposing.
Yunzhu Sumo’s running all the way behind his back consumes too much, and his body is exhausted and has not been disturbed by the past.
"Moqing Daoyou, why did you come to Abi Hell?"
Yunzhu took the ink and asked the fairy
"A senior in the Academy who has achieved great accomplishments in painting Taoism has fallen here."
Moqing said, "I heard that there was a crack in A-bi Hell and there were creatures who could escape, so I thought of coming here to look for the bones and paintings of this elder."
"It’s Yu Dao’s elder, right?"
Yunzhu thought a little before saying 1
Moqing nodded slightly surprised. "No wonder people always talk about immortal Taoist friends. They know everything."

Soon the bodhi old zu jade came in with fine steps and didn’t feel the depressing atmosphere in the hall. "What’s the matter?" Hongjun called bodhi old zu. What can I do for you? Yo, the little fox is here, too. Why didn’t the little fox come? "

"bodhi old zu, come and see the race war." Jade Duxiu pointed to the boundary battlefield.
At this time, the jade bodhi old zu is not in a hurry. "What’s so beautiful and bloody, bodhi old zu? I don’t think it’s your little mess. You have to find a way to do it yourself."
After that, he winked at the fox god and ran out. "I’ll go to the world to see."
"Old disrespectful bastard" Jade Duxiu spat and then turned around. "Don’t worry, I will definitely have an account of this."
In fact, at this time, it is not only Jade Duxiu who is anxious to look at the demon clan fiend behind him, but also the ancestor of the clan confrontation army, who is anxious like a cat on hot bricks.
Taizao Zudao said, "The fiend clan army is really fierce, and the demon clan army is losing ground. If it is really called the fiend clan army, it will be in trouble when the time comes, not far from the fiend clan."
Taiping’s ancestor closed his eyes. "The demon race is really sitting still."
"Can you be impatient again? Sirs demon god temporarily want to sell but can’t do it now can resigned "
Tai Yi’s ancestor sneered at a pair of eyes and looked at the third day. "I wonder what Hung-chun is calculating? The rise of the magic protoss can’t be escaped, but now the magic protoss wants to unify the heavens and occupy the stars, and Hongjun is actually indifferent? Not quite in line with Hongjun. "
"It’s not so easy to unify the heavens and the earth, but it’s not as difficult as I thought." Grandfather Taiyi was on the sidelines.
"What now?" Tai Dou’s godfather frowned and looked at the shaking stars with bad luck. "It’s really a group of fucking seats. Now the breakthrough is the key point. Aren’t these guys actually shaking the star source to break me into a road? It’s really hateful. Please also ask a few Taoist friends to step back. If the fiend clan can’t survive the defeat of the demon race according to this development."
Looking at Tai Dou’s ancestors, the ancestors smiled bitterly, and the demon clan fiend clan fought such a big causal karma that no one would get involved if necessary.
"I have no choice but to take a trip to the muddy water temporarily. I secretly turned my life to help the demon family stabilize the battlefield with one hand."
Grandfather Taiyi said that the river of fate in his hand turned and the turtle shell clattered, as if all beings were praying in it.
All the eyes looked at the demon clan fiend clan wars, and the fiend clan was poor in strength. They brought their own magical powers, attached some natural laws, and were in charge of some kind of laws. The fiend clan raised their hands and threw themselves into turbid air, dancing and rising clouds, which made many demon clans suffer a lot. They were first polluted by the fiend clan, and then killed by the other party.
In particular, SIRS fiends form a small array of twelve gods and evil spirits, and the demon race is losing ground. At this time, the anger in God’s eyes is flashing. At this time, the gods are dressed in rags. "Although you can’t form a large array of stars, you can form a small array according to your own laws."
After listening to the myth, all the people heard that their faces were moving, and the demon tribe formed a small large array
For example, the large array of stars in the heavens contains twenty stars, so the demon race has twenty stars, and there are twelve large arrays of stars, and there are all kinds of large arrays. In fact, the large array of stars in the heavens is composed of these small arrays and then colluded with each other to form a larger array.
With the large array of stars, the demon race’s decline temporarily stopped, more than the demon race’s department found that it had somehow killed many fiends, so it should be killed to attack the demon race on the opposite side. The demon race’s department actually’ just’ dodged a bullet and then beheaded the other side.
Heaven Wyndell Dichinson counted the blood, forming a rain of blood, hurtling towards the earth, and counting the bodies, falling since nine days. The blood and rain merged into the sea of blood, and the soul fell into the nether world, died and gasified into the body of death, and the doom was absorbed by Jade Duxiu.
"Tragic demon race when it’s really tragic trapped beast when it’s really terrible. No wonder that the jade bodhi old zu didn’t dare to kill the monster beast." Jade Duxiu looked at one by one before she died and burst into fierce fighting force. The jade disc circulation of the monster beast revealed a touch.
The monstrous karma falls on Yu Duxiu, whose face is merciful. "All kinds of sins are attributed to me."
"Hypocrisy" Fox God grunted coldly. "If you can find out how to restrain the fiend clan, it is a measure of merit."
Jade Duxiu looked at the fox god, and the fox god snorted, "I demon race came to be lucky for millions of years, and you secretly incited the wolf god to stand on his own feet. The demon race lost at least 500,000 years, plus this constant war, and lost more. I should have been lucky for millions of years, and there are still tens of thousands of years left for you to be really good at calculating. No wonder you didn’t make moves when I besieged the Terran territory."
"The rise of the demon race is the reincarnation of heaven and earth. This is the general trend of the mighty heaven and earth. I just changed the small potential in that general trend and then pushed it, or you can’t solve this problem because of the legacy of the demon race." Jade Duxiu’s eyes are full of koos
The fox god looked at Yu Duxiu’s molars. "Alas, this is the only life of our demon clan. Only when the two families are unified and then swept through the heavens and the earth can we continue to extend the life span of the race."
Speaking of which, the fox god looked at Yu Duxiu. "The Terran treated you like that, and you helped him to work hard."
Chapter 1991 Law Deducing Blood Spells
Facing the fox god, he asked Yu Duxiu to smile gently. "No matter who or which race wants to occupy the leading role, I will make plans to treat the Terran or the Demon race equally."
"Well, I hope you remember that you said today that if you get the leading role of the heavens and the earth in the future, you can have to do it."
The fox looked at Jade Duxiu with big eyes.
Looking at Fang Duxiu’s tragic war, he took a deep breath as if he didn’t hear the fox myth. "I want to suppress the fiend clan and now I think of a way to have one."
"What way?" The fox god looked at Jade Duxiu.

"Then let’s do it first."

"Good bye-bye" Jin Yu stopped politely and hung up the phone.
Night talk at noon the next day
Qin Yu called Li Yuanzhen to confirm that the goods could be delivered at any time, and then he asked Liu Shu to make a payment of two million yuan to Huang Yongli’s account through a private account, because this was a prior agreement.
After the money was played, Qin Yu took a trip to school during his lunch break at noon.
A restaurant in Shengyuan District
Qin Yu Qi Lin Cha Meng and three Jiangzhou Yaoguang brothers sat together for dinner and simply talked about it.
"I didn’t have a problem with the goods." Qin Yu drank the soup and gently rushed to Qi Lin and said, "You can directly contact Huang Yongli to take the goods away as soon as possible."
"You inspected the goods, didn’t you?" Qi Lin asked
"Yes" Qin Yu nodded.
"Yes, we have a batch of medicinal horses to send to Songjiang." Qi Lin replied lightly, "It’s convenient to go together."
"This batch of goods is scattered. I’ll ask my uncle to get you 200,000. You treat your brothers." Qin Yu usually buckles and doesn’t spend much money on himself, but he has always been very open to his brothers around him.
"Hehe OK" Qi Lin didn’t mention it. "I just want to take care of you when Yaoguang contracts an outside team and lacks money."
"What do you mean by contracting?" Qin Yu is a little stupid
"I am now Yaoguang people from Jiangzhou to Songjiang to transport medicine. Isn’t it necessary to settle security for others once?" Qi Lin explained with a smile, "Some time ago, I talked to Yaoguang’s boss. Because our line is fixed and our home is so secure, I want to directly contract this line to pay dividends to Yaoguang every month, while my brothers are under my management. This means that Yaoguang won’t worry about getting dividends after I contract this medicine line."
"That’s all right." Qin Yu quite agrees with Qi Lin’s idea. "This is equivalent to your meeting as a shareholder and your return."
"Yes," Qi Lin nodded. "Because the planned area has been a bit chaotic in recent years, and other security companies have risen, the boss also wants to attract a few new shareholders to work together."
"But I’ll give you some money to study when the pharmaceutical factory falls to the ground, so that you can enter the top of Yaoguang." Qin Yu also saw the idea of Qi Lin, which is very supported by the opportunity here.
"Well, that’s it. I’ll call that Huang Yongli in a minute." Qi Lin took a sip of tea and smiled and said, "If he wants to have this kind of goods in his hand all the time, we can do it for a long time. It’s also very quick to get money."
"Let’s talk about contact." Qin Yu looked down at his watch. "Ok, I’ll go back first in the afternoon."
"Ah, wait a minute," Cha Meng asked naively, motioning with his hand to block his expression. "You’re here in the seventh district, so it’s meaningless for me to stay in Songjiang! Do you have any plans later? If not, I will go back to Jiangzhou and run the road with JiLin. "
"You don’t" Qin Yu waved "Where am I? Where are you? I’ll put you in the company in the seventh district after the delivery of this batch of goods"
"… can I not go? Why do you learn from me every day? " Cha Meng asked with a sad face
"No" Qin Yu shook his head and refused.
"Fuck it," Cha Meng is very resistant.
"All right, let’s go first." Qin Yu hurriedly picked up his coat and "called back."
They smell up.
At about 5: 40 pm, Qin Yu walked out of the college and stopped the RV in Jinyu.
At the same time
Qi Lin took his brother and called Huang Yongli. "Hey, Brother Huang, I can’t pick up the goods in the area. You have to send the goods outside the area because of bad luck."
Chapter 645 Inspection
"Brother, don’t worry. I’ll send the goods to you outside the area in two hours at most." Huang Yongli said with a loud voice. "There are more than four carts full. Just let people wait outside the west gate in Lindian."
"Good le" JiLin nod should come.
"That’s it then."

"Fine, then do it yourself."

After the news was sent, everyone still chatted and drank.
At four o’clock in the afternoon, after the banquet, Qin Yu is going to see the general of the headquarters. The main reason of the northwest advance army is that everyone fought side by side in the old triangle. At this moment, it is also very necessary to get together alone to enhance their feelings.
As this is a military party, it doesn’t make sense for the old cat to go with him. After drinking some wine, he left first and prepared to go back to the other garden to have a rest.
In this way, everyone left separately in the hotel part.
After returning to Bieyuan, the old cat took a shower and slept in the room. After seven o’clock in the evening, the wine woke up. Most of the old cat rubbed his head and felt some pain. He just wanted to get up and go to the toilet. The phone rang.
When I picked it up, I saw that Zheng Ya came back with two words: "Good!"
The old cat didn’t drink less at noon. It just woke up a little stupid. B He blinked and turned it over before remembering what he gave Zheng Yafa first.
"Where is the object, beauty?"
This concise reply to the extreme made the old cat a little unable for a while. He picked up the cigarette case slightly deeply, lit a cigarette alone and pondered for a long time and replied to the other party, "Do you know who I am?"
Soon Zheng Ya returned to "know"
"Oh, lying in the trough?" The old cat blinked. "A little aggressive!"
Taking a deep breath of cigarettes, the old cat still replied the message in a very concise way, "Are you free to come out late?"
After two minutes, the screen of the mobile phone lights up, and the old cat looks at it or two words "OK!"
The old cat looked at the screen of the mobile phone and unconsciously took a drag on the cigarette that had burned to the filter tip and cried and shivered.
"fuck!" The old cat scolded 1 and immediately put out the cigarette and rubbed his mouth to give the other party a "I’ll pick you up"
"Well" Zheng Yahui
"Mom plays character with me, right?" The old cat instantly got up and took off her pajamas and went straight to health.
After a quick wash, an old cat changed into casual clothes and stopped at the door of the next villa with two special guest house guards and soldiers.
"Here I am." The old cat sent one to the other party.
Zheng Ya didn’t reply to the message, but she appeared at the door in three minutes. She was wearing a light-colored trench coat with a ponytail and black-rimmed glasses, and her face was still wearing light makeup. The whole person looked at yesterday without any difference.
The old cat in the back seat cart door Zheng Ya bent down to sit down.
They smiled at the old cat and asked, "Hehe, where do you want to go?"
Zheng Ya’s eyes did not dodge. She looked straight at the old cat and replied, "Whatever you want."
"Let’s go first, I’ll show you the place with my mobile phone." The old cat greeted the car guard soldier.
"Good" soldier car leaves.
Lu Laomao asked friends in the area where there was a suitable hotel for dating while Yu Guang stole a glance at Zheng Ya.
See Zheng Ya dignified sitting posture, white and slender neck, quietly looking at the old cat outside the car, looking at her, suddenly feeling that this girl is quite able to bear or endure looking, and her little heart throbs unconsciously …
Edge of Sichuan-Tibet line
You Liang held a gang meeting to explain the situation to everyone, and his words were more or less biased towards the various benefits after being incorporated into Sichuan government.
These people present are the core of the gang and have been following you Liang for many years. Most of them have not shown strong opposition because they know that you Liang has already made a decision in his heart when he spoke just now, so he will not be sensible.
After the meeting, the big opinions were unified and the people dispersed.
You Liang sat in the house and drank a glass of white wine, wondering how to bargain with Dachuan. Two middle-aged people who had just attended the meeting came in and said that they would not accept being incorporated. If You Liang decided to join the Sichuan government with his team, they would fly alone.
Both of them are small leaders with a dozen brothers under their hands, but the gang department is not deeply involved. It is reasonable that they want to leave, but they took out some money from the cupboard and gave it to them. At this point, it is still human.
After everything is done, Youliang sat on the bed and called Dachuan.
"hello? Bright! "
"Dachuan, I came back to give everyone a meeting, and they all felt that … since the sincerity of our Sichuan government here is so full, it’s not negotiable to join the army." You Liang has stopped talking to Dachuan at the moment and said bluntly, "But these people have to have a place in the past, otherwise everyone has no confidence."
"Don’t worry, if you have any conditions, just"
"It was said before that the deputy regiment can’t be changed. Secondly, we guys can’t be scattered. We all have to be arranged in one unit and take care of each other in the future." You Liang said bluntly, "In addition, we have to have what treatment we can’t discriminate against and be bullied by the regular army of Sichuan government."
"No problem" Dachuan replied "My brother will never be bullied. Don’t worry."
"Then I’ll go back tomorrow. If there’s no big difference, we’ll sign it and put it in the file."
"What do you think about You Wei?"
"If you want to join the army, he must be fine."
"Well, I’ll talk about it in detail in the future."
"Okay, that’s it."
"Ah, wait a minute, Dachuan." You Liang called out and immediately added, "If you want to join the team, in fact, I know that there are still a group of people who can be won over, and their scale is not small, there are about 500 people."
Dachuan’s eyes lit up when he heard this. "Is it true?"
"I’ve always been close to this gang" You Liang said seriously. "I’d like to help you talk about it …"
"Old especially, if you can get this thing done, you will be the third in command of our regiment." Dachuan said very clearly, "I will fight for a 150-square-meter room for you to enjoy the treatment of cadres at the regiment level."
"I went to talk about it in detail."
The voice dropped, and the two ended the conversation. Dachuan bared his teeth like a mental retardation and shouted, "Old Meng is not only the foundation of You Liang, but also ready to help me pull a group of people!"
"Ha ha a good thing." Meng Xi nodded without much emotional fluctuation.
In this way, the situation that Dachuan Mengxi racked his brains finally brought the first team to welcome the door.