
1. **补肾养血**:排骨富含蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷、铁等营养成分,对于补肾壮骨、养血滋阴有很好的作用。

2. **滋阴润燥**:红枣性温,味甘,具有滋阴养血、润燥的功效,适合干燥季节食用,有助于缓解口干舌燥等症状。


3. **促进铁吸收**:红枣中富含维生素C,能够促进身体对铁的吸收,有助于预防贫血。

4. **健脑抗衰**:红枣中的营养成分能够提供大脑所需的能量,有助于改善记忆力,延缓衰老。

5. **养血驻颜**:红枣能够改善肌肤状况,使肌肤红润有光泽,达到养颜的效果。


6. **防治心血管疾病**:排骨中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,减少动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的发生。

7. **健脾养胃**:排骨和红枣均具有健脾养胃的作用,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振有一定的改善作用。

8. **增强免疫力**:排骨和红枣中的多种营养成分能够增强机体的免疫力,提高抵抗力。

9. **促进消化**:红枣中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘问题。

10. **调经止痛**:对于女性来说,红枣具有调经止痛的作用,对于月经不调、痛经有一定的缓解效果。




1. **清热解毒**:蕨菜素对细菌有一定的抑制作用,可用于发热不退、肠风热毒、湿疹等病症,具有良好的清热解毒、杀菌消炎的功效。

2. **止血降压**:蕨菜中含有维生素B2、维生素C和皂角素等物质,可以扩张血管,显著降低血压、血脂和胆固醇,改善心血管功能。

3. **健体抗病**:蕨菜可制成粉皮,带粮充饥能补脾益气,强健身体,增强地抗病能力。适用于腰膝酸软、干咳等症状,经常食用蕨菜可治疗高血压、头昏、子宫出血、关节炎症,并对荨麻疹、流感有预防作用。


4. **解毒利尿**:蕨菜滋阴补肾、清热解毒、杀菌消炎、止咳利尿、安神降压、健胃降气、祛风化痰等作用。蕨菜所含的粗纤维能促进胃肠蠕动,民间用蕨菜可治疗腹泻、痢疾、小便不通、肠风热毒等病症。

5. **降低血压**:蕨菜具有降血压的作用,其所含的麦角甾醇及胆碱等成分可使血管扩张,加速血液流动,从而使血压下降。

6. **预防便秘**:蕨菜中含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以加速肠胃蠕动,平时多吃一些可以润肠通便,防止便秘,还可以减少痔疮、直肠癌的发生。

7. **祛痰止咳**:对于因感冒引起的热咳、痰多且咳不出来等症状,蕨菜具有一定的祛痰止咳作用。


– **不宜大量食用**:过量食用蕨菜可能会对身体造成损害。
– **脾胃虚寒者不宜多食**:脾胃虚寒的人应适量食用,以免加重症状。
– **搭配宜忌**:如与大米、毛豆等食物同食,可能会影响营养素的吸收。



1. **补血益气**:红枣含有丰富的铁质和维生素C,能促进血红蛋白的生成,增强体质。枸杞富含枸杞多糖、维生素和矿物质,能增强机体抵抗力。红枣枸杞酒中的这些成分共同作用,有助于改善贫血、乏力等症状。


2. **养肝明目**:枸杞具有养肝明目的功效,可以改善视力模糊、眼睛干涩等问题。红枣中的铁元素能够促进代谢,有助于排毒养肝。


3. **缓解神经衰弱**:红枣枸杞酒中的成分有助于镇静神经,缓解焦虑、失眠等神经衰弱症状,提高身心健康。

4. **强身健体**:红枣枸杞酒中的营养成分有助于维持身体机能平衡,促进新陈代谢,提高身体抵抗力和免疫力。


5. **预防三高**:红枣枸杞酒中含有的营养成分可以保护心血管,净化血液,防止血管老化僵硬,维持心血管健康,防止血脂血压上升,并有助于调理内分泌,对稳定血糖也有一定益处。

6. **补钙壮骨**:红枣和枸杞都含有丰富的钙和磷,有助于人体吸收钙质,促进骨骼发育,提高骨骼健康水平。

7. **延缓衰老**:红枣枸杞酒中的成分有助于促进白细胞形成,保护肝脏,补气益肾,补血活血,使身体各器官保持健康年轻状态。



1. **健脾和胃**:春砂仁能够增强脾胃功能,促进胃液分泌,有助于消化不良、食欲不振等症状的改善。


2. **化湿行气**:春砂仁具有化湿行气的功效,适用于湿阻脾胃引起的食欲不振、呕吐、泄泻等症状。

3. **温中止泻**:对于脾胃虚寒引起的腹痛、腹泻等症状,春砂仁有温中止泻的作用。

4. **安胎**:对于孕妇来说,春砂仁可以用于治疗胎动不安、妊娠恶阻等症状,有助于安胎。

5. **促进消化**:春砂仁可以促进胃肠蠕动,排除消化道的积气和毒素,有助于改善消化不良。

6. **宽中降逆**:春砂仁能够宽中降逆,适用于治疗胸闷、呕吐等症状。


7. **疏肝解郁**:春砂仁对于肝胃不和引起的胸胁苦满、嗳气、吞酸等症状有缓解作用。

8. **改善月经不调**:对于女性月经不调、经期疼痛、宫寒等症状,春砂仁也有一定的缓解作用。

9. **抗病毒抗真菌**:春砂仁的叶、茎可以提炼出植物油,外用对某些菌株疱疹、皮肤湿疹有抗病毒抗真菌的作用。




1. **增进体能和精力**:麦苗汁含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和酶类,有助于提高人体的整体活力和耐力。

2. **提高睡眠质量**:麦苗汁中的某些成分可以帮助调节人体的生物钟,对于经常失眠的人来说,有一定的安神作用。

3. **养颜排毒**:麦苗汁中的叶绿素能够净化血液,帮助身体排除毒素,对皮肤具有抗过敏的效果,有助于美容养颜,预防衰老。

4. **抗溃疡**:麦苗汁对于胃溃疡和口腔溃疡有改善作用,有助于缓解溃疡症状。

5. **降低血糖**:对于糖尿病患者来说,麦苗汁有助于降低血糖,并改善由糖尿病引起的多种并发症。

6. **促进康复**:麦苗汁可以加速手术、肌肤外伤和某些感染后的康复过程。

7. **增强酒精耐受**:麦苗汁能增强人体对酒精的耐受力,减少醉酒现象。

8. **消炎作用**:麦苗汁具有较强的消炎作用,可以缓解胰腺炎、关节炎、肌腱炎等引起的疼痛。

9. **治疗自身免疫性疾病**:对于自身免疫性疾病,如红斑狼疮、痛风、鼻炎等,麦苗汁有治疗和辅助治疗作用。

10. **抗过敏**:麦苗汁对皮肤过敏有治疗和辅助治疗作用,对于白癜风、牛皮癣等也有一定的改善效果。


11. **增强记忆力**:麦苗汁中的营养成分有助于提高记忆力,使思维更加敏捷清晰,减轻精神压力。


12. **消除体臭**:麦苗汁有助于消除口臭、体臭、腋臭等不良气味。

13. **降低血脂、调节血压**:麦苗汁有助于降低血脂,调节血压,对心血管健康有益。


14. **减肥安眠**:麦苗汁有助于减肥,同时也有助于改善睡眠质量。

15. **恢复生殖能力**:麦苗汁中的某些成分有助于恢复生殖能力。

16. **排除重金属**:麦苗汁有助于排除体内的重金属等有害物质。



1. **润肺止咳**:大蒜中的大蒜素和冰糖的润肺作用可以缓解咳嗽,尤其是对感冒引起的干咳有很好的效果。

2. **消炎杀菌**:大蒜素是一种天然的抑菌成分,能有效抑制细菌和病毒的生长,对预防感冒和呼吸道感染有积极作用。

3. **降低血脂**:大蒜素可以促进体内脂肪的分解代谢,抑制胆固醇和油酸的产生,有助于降低血脂。


4. **美容养颜**:大蒜中的大蒜素和维生素E具有很强的抗氧化作用,可以抵抗自由基,延缓皮肤衰老;冰糖则具有滋阴的作用,有助于美容养颜。

5. **软化血管**:大蒜冰糖水中的成分有助于软化血管,预防心脑血管疾病。

6. **增强免疫力**:适量饮用大蒜冰糖水可以增强人体免疫力,提高对疾病的抵抗力。

7. **散寒保暖**:大蒜具有散寒的作用,而冰糖性质平淡,两者结合饮用,可以有效预防感冒,尤其在寒冷的天气中,有很好的保暖效果。

8. **清热去火**:冰糖的润燥作用有助于清心泻火、清热除烦,对于上火引起的咽喉肿痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。


"How are my parents?" I’m sure I care about my parents.

"Everything is fine, just nagging me to persuade you to get married early. I told them that you can bring your wife and children back together in 2008." King Kong Gun hey hey smiled.
"Do you really say that?" I asked frowning.
"True" King Kong cannon nodded nonchalantly.
"How are your parents?" I am also very concerned about King Kong’s parents. When I went to his house, his mother slaughtered the only old hen in their family to entertain me. The scene made me sad when I remembered it.
"Don’t let them piss me off." King Kong Bao even gasped. "I brought back sea cucumbers before and let my mother fry them as silkworm chrysalis. It’s not too crisp …"
"Let’s go and see the boat." I picked the wrist positioning device and threw it into the car trunk. Ha ha, I laughed and did the same thing. It’s not the first time I did it.
When I introduced him to cross-eyed, cross-eyed naturally wouldn’t believe that this Hummer with sunglasses was fat, which I said yesterday. However, the careless personality of King Kong Gun is easy to mix with these people and have become friends after smoking.
"How much is the rent?" I took the king kong gun to cross-eyed and asked in a low voice when I arranged a room for us.
"Three million" I said casually.
"ah? !” King Kong cannon immediately frowned with love.
"The money is too gross, and I’m not short of that money." I moved out what he said earlier intact.
"You’re willing to part with it." King Kong Bao stuffed the package in his hand into the bed, which contained his axe and my lieutenant.
"You pack up and I’ll inform them about the boat." I pointed to my bed at the King Kong cannon. "Load the bomb and don’t let them see it."
King Kong cannon hey hey smiled and nodded his head.
I have been waiting for a long time to cross my eyes in the control room.
"The boat …"
Chapter 435 Turn around and run
Cross-eyed don’t ship the first mate at the helm.
There are rules for fishing boats to set sail. Start the engine, sound the whistle and set off firecrackers at the bow. Fishing boats pour wine into the sea and set sail.
The fishing boat left the port slowly, which was beyond my expectation.
"Hey, Lao Jiang, why is this thing so slow?" King Kong cannons packed up and came to the control room, cross-eyed and surnamed Jiang.
"Normal speed fifteen knots" Cross-eyed took the King Kong cannon and handed it to the cigarette.
"I don’t know what a festival is converted into kilometers." King Kong Gun looked at the rudder in the first mate’s hand curiously.
"They are not the same concept and cannot be converted." Cross-eyed haha laughed.
"If you have to convert it, you have to convert it into the sea every hour. It’s very troublesome. You can get 40 to 50 miles an hour, right?" The first mate took over.
"Why is it so slow?" King Kong cannon frowned.
"Not too slow, the boat can’t run so fast," said the first mate.
"What’s the fastest speed?" I interjected and asked, I have carefully observed this fishing boat before and found that the propeller behind the boat is not directly proportional to the 40-50-meter-long hull.
"The four engines can run together for 30 knots in a short time" or the first mate is more familiar with the performance of this ship than cross-eyed.
"Then let the four engines work together and run faster." King Kong Cannon was impatient with this slow speed. He couldn’t wait for the horse to reach the deep sea now
"Under normal circumstances, one engine is enough. When chasing fish, only two or three or four engines are started together, which not only consumes too much oil, but also the power plant and propeller can’t stand it." The first mate explained professionally.
"Is there enough fuel?" I’m more concerned about this bond problem.
"Too much weight was unloaded yesterday, which caused the hull to be unstable. If there is no way out, the diesel fuel will definitely not be exhausted." Cross-eyed sat in the captain’s seat
"Are all boats burning diesel?" King kong cannon curious asked.
"It’s not necessarily that warships and ships like ours burn diesel. Those freighters generally burn heavy oil, that is, the worst oil to save money." Cross-eyed shook his head and said.
"Is this a radar?" King Kong Gun stretched out his hand and pointed to the LCD screen in the center of the control room. The LCD screen is square with a diameter of 60 cm and its surface is covered with green lines.
"Our fishing boat has no radar. This is a navigation communication instrument for fishing boats. The fishing center guides the route to avoid hitting rocks and crossing national boundaries through this." The first mate raised his hand and pointed a little white dot at the southwest corner of the screen. "This is where we are now."
"What about this? Is it a line?" King kong cannon and pointed to the console side a microphone sample things.
"This is the coast station," the first mate replied.
Cross-eyed, I saw King Kong Gun chasing the first mate and asked these retarded questions. Instead of getting suspicious, I was relieved. He knew that King Kong Gun and I couldn’t ship, so naturally we couldn’t hijack the ship.
And I didn’t stop the king kong cannon from asking questions for my reasons. Once I entered the deep sea, I had to gain absolute control of the ship, otherwise they would definitely turn around and run back when they saw those incredible things or animals.
"How can we get in touch with the shore from the sea?" I lit a cigarette and asked cross-eyed. Although I asked questions purposefully, I couldn’t make them feel that I was purposeful
"General communication equipment, but communication equipment is not as good as CDMA. That signal has coverage in the sea, but once it goes away, nothing will be good." Cross-eyed nodded and said
After listening to the cross-eyed words, I frowned and showed my dissatisfaction. In fact, my heart was quite happy. It’s no trouble to contact me.
Just as I was talking to the cross-eyed Kung Fu Kung Fu King Kong Gun became interested in the rudder of the big deputy, he had the nerve to try it. It was difficult for the first mate to look back and nodded with a cross-eyed smile.
The king kong cannon took the helm with great interest and arrived less than three minutes later, shouting that the fishing boat was too low in configuration, and the fishing boat was spinning in the same place, not because of his poor skills, but because the fishing boat did not have the function of automatically returning to the direction.
"It’s not the same thing as a car." The first mate smiled and adjusted the direction of the boat and drove smoothly forward.
"Yes, the car is sitting on this." King Kong Gun nodded gravely.
"Let’s go out and have a look around." When I saw that the situation was almost the same, I walked out of the control room with a king kong gun.
"Old cow, look at this." I went to the bow and pulled the tarpaulin covering the whale fork.
"Such a big harpoon?" King Kong cannon immediately went forward to look at his eyes.
"Whale fork is specially designed to catch whales." I nodded and smiled.
"Why is it so old?" King Kong cannon asked doubtfully.
"It’s no problem." I nodded and said that the whale fork was launched by air pressure. A lot of rust spots have appeared in the pressure cylinder. Fortunately, the steel wire rope with a diameter of two centimeters is protected by oil pollution. The rust is not serious and the spear head is not damaged for one meter.
"Where did you get such a rarity?" The king kong cannon lifts its foot and steps on the pedal pressure cylinder to boost pressure.
"It was unloaded from the old ship yesterday." I pointed to the welding part of the whale fork hull.
"Try it?" After stepping on the cannon for a long time, I finally hit the pressure cylinder. The pressure cylinder can be up to fifteen pressures. At present, the pointer is at ten, which is located in the normal green box and the dangerous red box.

Because it’s four minutes.

However, the so-called blood sea continent is very, very large, which is even larger than the whole world area of fighters. This is still not the extremely vast sea area.
Even the blood clan duke level can’t rashly through those giant waters to other things.
Even if you reach the prince level, you should be cautious. The reason is simple. It is because there are many more powerful than the siren in this western fantasy world.
This siren knows nothing about the world.
Speaking of the so-called siren
At the beginning, I teamed up with the angel of light to kill many people in Sam, especially in the western coastal areas
That’s the so-called deep-sea demon emperor, but that’s what the so-called deep-sea demon emperor is all about. Of course, Yang Guang and his so-called warrior didn’t do anything about getting rid of violence.
Because these blood families did not invade China, but Sam.
Besides, the protagonists who harm the people of Sam are actually those angels of light.
In addition to the blood sea continent, there is also a famous elf continent.
As the name implies, this world is full of several elves, in addition to some so-called angels, but angels are not mainstream.
What is the so-called Elves? That’s because the elves and the so-called blood clan are based on the western fantasy world, and it is said that creatures naturally have their share
Not only that, there are some so-called western dragons on the other two continents.
Chapter one hundred and sixty Variables
In the eyes of the Oriental Dragon, those western dragon gadgets have no so-called "dragon" spirit at all.
Instead, it’s just like some magnifying lizards.
And those western dragons are the so-called red dragons, golden dragons and green dragons, and so on. Of course, they are not the so-called dinosaurs, and those things are really gone.
In addition, there are some witches.
There are also a lot of small races, such as Bear Terran.
These are some quite large races in the whole western fantasy world so far.
Heaven and earth are invincible.
No creature can stay out of it. First, the blood clan is in charge of this shit. Then other creatures in the same fantasy world will have to take care of these things in the end.
What’s more, this so-called western fantasy world, the western dragon, may have to fight with the eastern fantasy world, the eastern dragon.
Prove who is the dragon who rules heaven and earth.
However, it is conceivable that these so-called western dragons should have no so-called resistance to the dragon, but how to do it depends on the time and results, such as
More importantly, those blood clans also sent some blood emperors to the other three continents respectively.
We should also talk about these things and share the pressure.
I can’t help it because the blood clan is in the west fantasy world, which is also bordered by the fighters world and the East fantasy world node.
Even the integration is in the sphere of influence of the blood clan, which is the so-called blood sea continent.
But the other three continental plates are a little calm.
But it was quiet before the storm.
And that opposite of the western fantasy world is the so-called eastern fantasy world.
There are also some strong people who have noticed these things.
The so-called East Phantom World human eyes and ears have also been stationed in the world of human fighters. After learning this news, it is like the blood clan in the West Phantom World who also chose to return.
Told these things to those great human forces.
Or go to the fighters’ world. Those agents are actually big doors.
Anyway, this matter is also known to the so-called many large-scale doors, that the whole East Magic World is the strongest and there is no human force, and the East Emperor Holy Land naturally knows about this matter.
There is also the so-called Yaochi Holy Land, which has a little holiday with Yang Guangzeng, or some patriarchal clan, which is also very interesting.
Especially that Jack nife Sect in the eastern fantasy world.
This thing is not the same thing as Yang Guangtian’s knife Sect.
Belong to different sources with the same name
Who let Yang Guang completely draw a line with Jack nife Zong? Of course, what if they re-bet?
Yang guang can’t go back, and they can’t get any benefits from it, and there is no such thing as pretending to hit people in the face, so they will be fine.
Donghuang Shengdi

Looking at the sight of Xin Shi-niang Gao Cai, he looked even more puzzled. His eyes looked coldly and a faint murderous look surrounded Xin Shi-niang. If he cheated, he would immediately die.

"I came here on the orders of my ancestors!"
In the face of great pressure from talented people, Xin Niangs said slowly, brimming with pain, but were afraid to say anything more.
Ancestors? It can be said by the fox family that the ancestors had their own lovers, the green bamboo and the heart-moon fox. It is impossible for the green bamboo root, but the heart-moon fox should not do such a thing, which makes Gao Cai entangled and confused
"You don’t guess that it is Xingjun!"
It’s not equal to the height, but when it’s finished, it’s a virtual shock. The fox goes straight out of the sky and appears in front of Gao Cai, looking at Gao Cai with a ponder smile and saying, One
I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the fox in front of me. "Why did Xing Jun have this kind of pleasure to let a fox demon destroy this savage country?"
"Is it fun?"
Heart month fox didn’t good the spirit angry way, and this time outside the palace also noisy, apparently five teeth with a lot of people straight about the dragon king.
"I dare not offend you, otherwise Qingzhu will not settle accounts with me. You’d better say it!"
Gao Cai said with a wry smile that a shock in his hand will release Xin Niangs, and a move in his hand will also bring peach wooden sword back to his hand.
"Come on, don’t tease you. It’s just to finish a long-cherished wish and take the opportunity to settle your worries. A few decades ago, I found the reincarnation of Zhou Wang, and I woke him up and let this little fox repeat what happened before the deification!"
See outside noisy heart month fox said slowly a tone of sadness.
"Zhou Wang reincarnation here? Hey, it seems that I will accompany you in this play. Just with this Xin Shiniang, you can successfully build the Seven-Star Dharma Altar! "
When I heard the words of the fox on the heart, I also said so. Since the things before the ancient gods were re-enacted, the dragon king would be extravagant.
I also happened to live in seclusion behind the scenes to find seven kinds of fierce beasts JingXie.
Chapter five hundred and thirty-one Seven Fierce Beasts Seven Altars
"Elder Xinyue Fox, I don’t interfere in the affairs of the Dragon Wilderness Country, but I hope you can let this Dragon Wilderness Country build seven altars in a dark place!"
Gao Cai is the one who talks about building the altar, but he never talks about anything else.
"Build seven altars darkly?"
Heart month fox is confused and whispers slightly, so it’s not asking. It’s a pair of eyes staring at Gao Cai to see through Gao Cai.
After a while, he nodded. "In that case, it happened that Zhou Wang also liked to build palaces on a large scale!"
"Then I’ll live in seclusion in this dragon country for a few days. I’ll tell you the location of the dark place in the hope that you will spare the ministers outside and have a good relationship with the Xin 14 Niang!"
Gao Cai nodded his head and said slowly, then step by step, looking for yin evil spirit in the dragon shortage abroad.
While speculating and looking for it, a day later, Gao Cai found a gloomy place in a valley 300 miles away from the Dragon Wilderness Country. The whole valley presents a closed line, and there is a gloomy place in the valley that has been gathered for thousands of years and has formed a Jedi.
Ordinary people and demons will be suffocated immediately when they enter here, and they will die in a moment. Some immortals will be surrounded by suffocation when they come here.
It’s an excellent place to cast a spell when you can easily kill a flying fairy after the joy of this Jedi genius is over.
When he found a place, he returned to Longhuang country, and when he walked all the way, he stepped out of a wide qingyan road to Longhuang country, which could also speed up the process of building the Seven Star Altar and reduce casualties.
On both sides of Qingyan Road, Gao Cai also set up many prohibitions to prevent evil beasts from attacking and destroying this Qingyan Road.
All the way back to Gaocai, hundreds of miles of Qingyan Road were built in an instant, and the whole road stretched to the gate of the city. This scene surprised the whole people of Longhuang and made miracles in succession.
I admired Gao Cai, and even Wuya and everyone came to the city gate. I looked at Gao Cai with excitement. "Taoist miracle, did you suddenly leave, causing the demon to fail?"
In the inquiry, Wuya also took a hint of questioning tone, obviously disappointed that Gao Cai left.
"The demon is too powerful, but the reincarnation of Tianxingjun is a dream, and the soul has become a monster now.
If you want to descend, you must set up a seven-star altar to attract the stars of heaven and earth, and cast a poor spell on seven altars of seven immortals to restore the spirit and wisdom of the star king and return him to heaven.
If this is done, you will also have merits!
Being original has found a holy place three hundred miles away. You can go to that holy place along this Qingyan Road. "
For these people to ask Gao Caishen, they made up a high-sounding reason to make the whole city look shocked and don’t know whether to believe it or not.
However, when they saw the huge Qingyan Road with a high talent, they had to believe that it would be successful to build this hundreds of miles of road if the people in the city came to build it for hundreds of years.
But also in the face of these hundreds of miles of monsters and fierce beasts. No heavy casualties, it must be built by law
"Please rest assured that being original has set up a ban on ordinary demons and beasts on both sides of the road, which is a violation of the law!"
"The Taoist priest is so powerful that he doesn’t directly build the altar?"
Seeing that Gao Cai built Qingyan Road, some people shouted, which also aroused the resonance of the whole city.
"The altar must be built by mortals, so that you can unite your wishes and move the world, otherwise it will cause a curse!"
Gao Cai is right in this sentence. Half of the seven-star altar must be built by mortals, so that the altar can gather great strength and isolate the atmosphere of practitioners.
If you build it directly, you will be contaminated with cause and effect, and you will be completely involved.
"These are charms. If you build an altar, you must wear these charms, which can not only prevent demons and beasts, but also strengthen your body!"
In order to prevent these people from being harassed by Yin Shasha, Gao Cai had to make such a gesture. When he patted the peach wooden sword behind him, the number of flat peach masculine condensed characters floated out and suddenly filled the city.
"Be original and go to the palace to say king!"
Will operator of hair after Gao Cai figure disappeared in situ towards the palace and to find sheen fourteen niang and heart month fox will find Yin evil place said a.
"Who are you going to calculate? You disguise yourself as an ordinary Taoist and let mortals build an altar. Is this to cast spells? I heard that you got a spell spirit, but don’t involve this bi and don’t involve me! "
Suddenly, I thought of something. Heart Moon Fox said faintly that he was also interested in cold hum, and then said faintly, "It’s a lie that I will tell Bi Zhou to build seven Bann Kwan Khiang Dao!"

The steward came to the door of the cabinet shaking from the waist and slowly locked two big safes.

Awei eagerly tugged at the safe door only to find that the first cabinet was filled with documents.
"Damn it!"
Awei scolded and immediately went to the second cabinet and pulled the door left unlocked.
I got something this time.
A one-and-a-half-meter-high safe is packed with dizzying banknotes, and a rough count can be about four or five million.
"His mother knew that the goods here would have to wait for more than a month and his mother folded his brother? !” Awei scolded a gun and hung it around his waist. His hands were crazy to cuddle money from the inside out.
A lot of cash fell to the ground and was put into a bag by someone next to it.
Lin chengdong was relieved when he saw the money, but he was still very dissatisfied because the money could not satisfy him at present.
A whole safe, valuables and cash department were looted by everyone, and several money bags were also carried by Awei people.
"Can … can you let it go?" "I’m just a …" asked the cabinet man, shaking.
Awei’s hand is a gun to kill each other directly in the room.
They dazed a XiaoBo said discontentedly, "Why did you kill him when he was locked up? !”
"Can I fold a brother for nothing?" Ah Wei gave Lin Chengdong a deliberate look when he said this, and he didn’t know whether he was really unbalanced in his heart or deliberately showing his fierceness.
"Go" Lin Chengdong didn’t care about Awei’s eyes and waved at them.
After taking the money, the group quickly left the finance room and came to the corridor.
"Stop searching, stop searching …!" Xiao Bo shouted a.
"sonorous …!"
At this moment, a few shots came in the direction of the lounge, and they immediately rushed over after Zheng.
A brother in Xiao Bo was shot in the leg with his face covered, and next to the sofa was a middle-aged man with fatal gunshot wounds to the forehead and chest, and he died after a few convulsions.
Lin Chengdong and others rushed in and immediately asked, "What happened?"
"Mom, I was looking for something and I met two people who shot me secretly." Xiao Bo brothers gasped and replied, "There’s another one behind the sofa."
"Mom got a B!"
Xiao Bo was furious and pressed forward with a gun.
The middle-aged Jin Taizhu, who had waited for more than half a month behind the sofa, immediately raised his hand and rushed out. "Don’t shoot, don’t shoot …!"
"You fucking want to die!" Xiao Bo’s teeth will hug the fire.
"Don’t gun! Do you want money? Brother, I have money! " Middle-aged people shouted, "Cut me some slack and I’ll give you money."
Xiao Bo leng one.
"I’m really rich. Don’t shoot." Middle-aged shouted again.
"Take him out or go out" Lin Chengdong looked at the other side wearing a low command 1.
Half an hour later, Jin Taizhu, warehouse 57, took the words in an incredible way and shouted, "What? The company was robbed, and the person who waited for me was taken? !”
"Mom!" Jin Taizhu’s mentality exploded instantly. "Did you call the police?"
"The hitter has come."
"Wait for me!" Jin Taizhu hung up the phone and looked up at the middle-aged man next to him and said, "There’s something wrong with the company. I want to go there."
"I heard it," said the middle-aged man strangely. "Did they take Lao Zhou’s introducer away?"
"Yes!" Jin Taizhu was very annoyed and scolded, "I just wanted to find out who was behind it and forgot to ask how these gunmen stared at me."
"You can’t go!" Middle-aged consider a long time stretched out his hand and stopped, "what if there is an ambush on the road? These people are too timid. They didn’t succeed at the entrance of the hotel. The company also arrested the person you wanted to see. "
"This person is very important. It was arranged by the European area." Jin Taizhu scolded very inexplicably. "I don’t even know the specific identity of this person. How did I know it?"
"Is there a ghost in No.57 yard?" The more you think about middle age, the more complicated it is.
"Now it’s almost certain that these people are definitely not the money. It must be that the seven districts are manipulating their work." Jin Taizhu took two steps in the house. "No, I still want to go …"
"Didi Lingling!"
Just then the bell rang.
Jin Taizhu went to the table, picked up the new mobile phone and pressed the answer button. "Hello group 17?"
"I found some information."
"say it!"
"Lin Chengdong was an ordinary police officer, graduated from a regular police academy at the rank of sheriff, and had advanced training experience in police system. He disappeared in South Shanghai more than four years ago, and he didn’t know where to go when he returned. But there was a record on the line that Lin Chengdong came back on a military cargo ship." The head of the 17 groups said in a low voice. "And Lin Chengdong has no relatives in South Shanghai at present. His father’s death record is said that his wife and children suddenly went to the European Union area more than a month ago. Oh, by the way, after he disappeared, someone has been taking care of him.
"Who is who?" Jin Taizhu asked.
"This man’s name is Zhan Nan, who has no official status and is an arms dealer." The 17 groups whispered, "After Lin Chengdong’s accident, this Zhan Nan has been helping him take care of his family, paid a lot of money and visited Lin Chengdong’s father several times."