
1. **健脾滋肾**:枸杞和鲫鱼都具有良好的滋补作用,能够健脾补肾,对脾胃虚弱、腰膝酸软等肾虚症状有缓解作用。

2. **益气润肺**:鲫鱼汤能够益气润肺,适合用于治疗咳嗽、气短等症状。


3. **发奶催乳**:对于产后妇女来说,枸杞鲫鱼汤有很好的催乳效果,可以帮助增加奶水分泌。

4. **补充营养**:鲫鱼汤富含优质蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸、维生素和矿物质,有助于补充人体所需的各种营养成分。


5. **补充水分**:鲫鱼汤含水量丰富,有助于补充身体所需的水分,缓解脱水症状。


6. **清热解毒**:鲫鱼具有清热解毒的功效,对于体内有热毒积聚的人有一定的缓解作用。

7. **利水消肿**:鲫鱼具有利水消肿的作用,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有一定的改善效果。

8. **促进乳汁分泌**:鲫鱼中的营养物质有助于促进乳汁分泌,对哺乳期妇女特别有益。

9. **明目**:枸杞具有明目的功效,长期饮用枸杞鲫鱼汤可能有助于改善视力,预防近视眼。

10. **增强免疫力**:鲫鱼汤中含有的多种维生素和矿物质有助于增强人体免疫力。

11. **降血压降血脂**:鲫鱼汤中的一些成分可能有助于降低血压和血脂,对心血管健康有益。



1. **避孕作用**:

2. **调节月经**:

3. **治疗多囊卵巢综合征**:

4. **降低雄激素水平**:




5. **治疗雄激素依赖性疾病**:


6. **降低子宫内膜厚度**:

7. **抗雌激素作用**:



1. **增强免疫力**:蜂蜜酒中含有的抗氧化物质可以有效清除体内的自由基,增强机体的免疫能力。

2. **促进消化吸收**:蜂蜜酒中的葡萄糖、果糖等成分能刺激胃部分泌胃酸,促进胃肠功能正常,有助于消化吸收。

3. **润肠通便**:蜂蜜酒中的活性物质有助于消化食物,缩短排便时间,对于便秘有改善作用。

4. **护肤养颜**:蜂蜜酒中的氨基酸、维生素等成分有助于皮肤健康,对于皮肤破损有一定的修复能力,还能治疗黄褐斑等。

5. **调节内分泌**:蜂蜜中的营养物质有助于人体内分泌恢复平衡,促进代谢更新。

6. **延年益寿**:蜂蜜酒中富含的氨基酸、葡萄糖、果糖等成分可以促进人体器官的正常运作,有助于延年益寿。


7. **抗风湿作用**:蜂蜜酒中的白酒成分具有通风散寒、舒筋活血的作用,而蜂蜜能补充血液营养,增加血红蛋白数量,促进血液循环,缓解风湿炎症。

8. **杀菌消炎**:蜂蜜和白酒都具有很好的杀菌消炎作用,能够减少和抑制有害细菌对身体的侵害。

9. **软化血管,降低血压**:适量饮用蜂蜜酒,可以使血管扩张,具有降低血压的作用,预防心脑血管疾病。

10. **美容养颜**:蜂蜜酒中含有的氨基酸、维生素等成分有助于美容养颜,保持皮肤水润,抑制皮肤炎症。

11. **促进儿童生长发育**:蜂蜜酒中含有的营养素有助于儿童的正常生长发育,防止营养不良。

12. **调整消化道,改善食欲**:蜂蜜酒可以调整消化道,促进消化道蠕动,改善食欲。




1. **平心静气**:紫檀木特有的香气对人的心脏、肾脏及肝脏有很好的调理养护功效。佩戴紫檀手串能够帮助平衡人的心态,使人遇到困难时更加坦然、沉稳。

2. **抗皱内调**:长期佩戴紫檀手串,可以促使细胞再生,防止细纹的出现。紫檀对胃肠也有很好的缓解作用。

3. **有益睡眠**:晚上将紫檀手串放置枕边,其香味有利于改善睡眠质量,具有禅定之效用,在佛家也被认可为神木,具备避邪的作用。

4. **提神醒脑**:经过长时间反反复复盘玩的紫檀手串,会释放一种名为“木气”的物质,具有提高睡眠质量和醒神保健的功效。

5. **开运祈福**:紫檀能够及时补充气血,具有开运祈福的作用。无论是自用还是赠人,都是上等之礼品,可以给自己或别人带来福分。


6. **辟邪助运**:紫檀手串佩戴在左手腕上,能够平衡人的心态,使人遇到困难更沉稳;佩戴在右手腕上,则能转危为安,遇难呈祥,清除湿邪。

7. **缓解情绪**:紫檀手串散发出特殊的香气,可以帮助缓和紧张、焦虑的情绪。

8. **止血止痛**:根据《本草纲目》的记载,紫檀具有止血、止痛、调节气血的功效。

9. **养颜驻颜**:紫檀对细胞的再生起到促进作用,可以预防皱纹的出现。


10. **消除关节肿痛**:蒙古族的医学典籍中记载,紫檀能够消除关节疼痛,与白醋混合后贴敷在疼痛的关节处,效果更佳。




1. 清热解毒:三根汤中的白茅根、芦根和葛根都具有清热解毒的作用,对于热病发热、咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等症状有一定的缓解作用。


2. 生津止渴:三根汤可以促进体内津液的生成,对于口干舌燥、口渴多饮等症状有较好的改善作用。

3. 利尿消肿:三根汤具有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有一定的缓解效果。


4. 降低血压:三根汤中的葛根具有一定的降压作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. 保护心血管:三根汤中的白茅根、芦根和葛根均具有保护心血管的作用,可以降低血脂、抗动脉硬化,对于心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

6. 抗癌作用:三根汤具有一定的抗癌作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

7. 促进消化:三根汤可以促进胃肠道蠕动,对于消化不良、便秘等症状有一定的改善作用。

8. 抗病毒:三根汤具有一定的抗病毒作用,对于流感、感冒等病毒性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


It is not accurate to explore the realm of the monk in gray robe by voyeurism, which shows that it is the early stage of building a foundation

In the roar of this powerful creature, the grey robe monk frowned and was forced to release the vision of then to resist.
Chapter two hundred and forty-one Take the blame
The roar didn’t last long before it disappeared.
But an even more terrible threat hangs over this mountain!
A loud noise
It seems that a huge creature has landed on the top of the mountain, and the huge mountain is shaking and may collapse at any time!
At this time, trying to get out of here is a pipe dream.
Su Mo looked at the monk in the gray robe. He believed that even if the monk in the gray robe was a real person, he would never escape!
See grey robe monk unhurriedly pulled out a gray rag from the bag.
Friar Grey’s figure flickered and he came to the corner and covered himself with rags.
In Su Mo’s eyes, the figure of the grey robe monk actually disappeared, and even the breath dissipated as if the corner was integrated with the trace!
I couldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen Sumegan with my own eyes
It’s like the grey monk disappearing!
But Su Mo knew that the grey monk was still here and hid in that corner.
This rag looks unremarkable, but it can hide its tracks, even its breath will not be found!
This is what the grey robe monks rely on.
In a blink of an eye, Su Mo was left alone in the depths of the cave, and the eggshell surface was smashed and licked clean.
Anyone who sees this scene will guess the truth instantly.
Su Mo has nothing to think about when the powerful creature of Shenshan may come at any time!
Sue ink body movement also came to the gray robe monk to avoid the corner expression on the side.
The monk in the gray robe, who had been hiding well, was waiting to see Su Mo’s jokes, but now he was startled when he saw this scene.
Although this treasure can cover his body and hide his breath, it can resist the impact of power and attack.
If the creature outside the mountain sees everything in the cave, it will lose its mind and fall into a rage.
At this time, if this creature breaks out a devastating attack in the direction of Su Mo, he will certainly be implicated!
The moment the grey robe monk white Su Mo intention.
"My … what a pit!"
Grey robe monk heart dark scold a.
At this time, even if he can’t come to Su Mo, he will expose himself.
Friar Grey couldn’t wait to fly Su Mo with a pedal, but he was forced to show rags and dragged Su Mo in.
Two people figure and breath instantly disappear.
Just after the movement, there was a loud bang, and the mountain was hit by a huge force, and the top of the mountain was lifted off the cave and exposed.
As soon as the Lord of Blood Crow Palace felt the horror coming, he realized that it would cause misunderstanding if it was too late.
What makes him glad is that he finally didn’t enter the cave and didn’t make friends with the creatures here.
And according to the blood curse, the Sumo is hiding in this cave.
When this ancient relic comes here, the entrance to the ground is blocked in the cave, and it will be suspicious!
If it goes well, it shouldn’t be difficult for him to show his identity.
He can also get out of here safely. It’s a thrilling trip.
Ang! Ang! Ang!
As the Lord of the Blood Crow Palace expected, the horror was followed by a burst of powerful and powerful roaring into the clouds and piercing the golden crack stone.
Almost after counting the breath, this ancient creature came to Shenshan!
Even though I was prepared in my heart, when I saw this ancient creature with my own eyes, the main pupil of Blood Crow Palace still contracted into the eye of a needle and my heart beat violently.
This ancient creature did not show its face.
But half of the body hovering in the mountain will almost cover a towering mountain!
The huge and stout body circled around the mountain for hundreds of feet, and the face was full of blue scales, flashing with cold light.
Qiang Qiang! Qiang Qiang!
In this body surface, a pair of huge claw joints are also exposed, which are sharp and extremely sharp, and they are extremely hard to dig in the mountain and instantly pierce it!
This ancient creature is staring at a pair of eyes with faint cold light and full of pitfalls.
Archaean creatures have jaws with big mouths open, sharp and horrible teeth showing, and sticky saliva dripping from their mouths, and their faces are ferocious.
This is a real dragon!
The Lord of the Blood Crow Palace once saw the dragon form in some ancient books of the clan, but it still feels more shocking to see it now.

"I just found my old club and I don’t want you to be killed in Xinxiang." Li Zhan patted his arm and said in a low voice, "… I’ll try to bring you back."

"Ah" Qin Yuwen nodded heavily.
"That’s it." Li Zhan stepped away and urged the Yaoguang people again. "After checking things for three times to make sure there is no problem, the personal communication equipment will remain silent and get on the bus quickly."
Courtyard entrance
Fu Xiaohao swore at Ding Guozhen and said, "What are you doing when you say you are fat? Not burdensome enough? "
"Don’t step on the horse." Ding Guozhen squinted. "Aren’t you afraid you won’t come back if you keep going there?"
"I thank you!" Fu Xiaohao pie mouth replied, "Go and get the car."
It only takes five or six minutes to calculate the calendar and examine the fierce payment of Xiaohao Ding Guozhen, a total of 22 people.
Qin Yu looked at the more than 20 people beside the vehicle, and felt flustered for a long time before he hurried to the battle and said, "If you can’t, don’t force it, but give up halfway."
At Qin Yu through the war twist a head "well, I know"
"Elder brother, don’t think about it." Fu Xiaohao patted Qin Yu’s arm. "I’m sure I’ll get things done for you."
"Give me back! !” Qin Yu looked at the crowd shouted a.
Many people glanced at Qin Yu and suddenly shouted "Let’s go!"
Twenty-two people fell, and five cars rushed to the back of Xinxiang to leave quickly.
Lao Li immediately bowed his head in the hospital and sent a short message to Wen Beiliang, "People are already on their way."
"Proper" Wen Beiliang returned a word.
Lao Li considered for a long time and reissued a "I think you can come back with these 22 people."
"See you in Xinxiang! ! !” Wen Beiliang typed three words with three exclamation points.
main building
Wang Zongtang quickly rushed out and looked up and shouted, "Lao Li Lao Li! Sean ghosts and people on my side have jumped around to the underworld and prepared to defend against seven hundred people. "
Everyone heard that they immediately ran to the main building and Lao Li waved and said, "Let’s go and give Sean a message."
Sean, about 30 kilometers west of Xinxiang Life Village, waved his hand at the roadside and shouted, "Come on, come on, everyone is scattered. Take out your weapons and scatter them on both sides of the road."
Ding Bin looked anxiously smoking a cigarette and turned to look at the gang he had brought with him. He gently shouted at Sean and asked, "… I heard that the number of armed and security companies outside the area is 700 … Do you think we guys can withstand each other’s impact?"
Sean looked back at him. "Listen to your destiny."
"Mrding, if you don’t feel sure, put people behind you. Zhang Liangxian and I will fire first." The ghost came over and said with a straight face.
Ding Bin saw his one eye. "Say something ugly. If I can’t come, I won’t come, but if I come, I have to do a good job."
"This is true, hehe." The ghost grinned.
"Come to the Wangs and let’s take our positions." Sean clapped his hands and yelled again.
Ten minutes later, the layout of the west defensive point ended, and nearly six or seven hundred people were scattered on both sides of the road and looked at it as mighty.
West side highway
Yum! Security Company’s motorcade was at the front of the first heavy-duty armed off-road vehicle. A middle-aged man with a beard shouted at Wang Zongxiao and asked, "They have a military supervisor, right?"
"Yes," Wang Zongxiao nodded and replied, "You just jumped out of Yan and estimated that you had already missed it."

God’s will, like a knife, is the foundation of these forty-nine HarmonyOS Ziqi. With the help of the laws of heaven and earth, I have made them in my own hands to deal with all beings in heaven and earth

"With this providence like a knife, who will be my opponent in the world in the future? Even if the earth was like a unlucky ghost in those days, it has not fallen for millions, and now it is coming back with reincarnation." Jade Duxiu’s eyebrows are relaxed. "Providence is like a knife. Let me take the snake knife in the wild and see if I can kill this lamb worm."
With that, Yu Duxiu closed his eyes and slowly realized the power of God’s will like a knife.
At this time, the snake god in the wild is a little restless. On a whim, "It’s really strange that the mind is uneasy recently."
"Father God" nine head worm came in from outside the hall.
"Why don’t you close it?" The snake god looked at nine head worm’s eyes with a little anger.
"Father God child suddenly found that he forgot a great benefit" nine head worm leaned in.
The cold light in the eyes of Yi Dao Taiyi’s godfather keeps flashing, and the congenital hexagrams in his eyes are uncertain. "Miaoxiu’s reincarnation has returned to the back seat, and I can’t see it clearly. Now I have to test the details of Miaoxiu or I will be uneasy."
"What benefits" snake god said.
"Father God forgot that wonderful show holds the three treasures of the heavens and the earth, and that the three treasures of ruyi will not be weak. If Father God can hold the three treasures of ruyi and bless himself, even the wonderful show will not be the opponent of Father God." nine head worm said.
"Miaoxiu Sanbao Ruyi disappears and can’t find a trace?" Snake god eyes cold way
"The child thought about it yesterday, and sent it out from the hands of forgetting the dust in the cave of dust. Perhaps the three treasures were quietly returned to forgetting the dust at that time. No matter where it is, it is no loss to try it while the wonderful show is still closed. If you can win the three treasures, the father will surely gain strength and the wonderful show will drop, and then it will be easy to kill the wonderful show." nine head worm blinked at the snake god.
The snake god heard the news and touched it. "It is also such a reason."
Chapter 1696 Snake God steals treasure and loses it.
After listening to nine head worm’s words, the snake god immediately became heartbroken, and the wonderful treasures were all famous in the heavens and the earth. That’s not drooling?
"There is also some truth in the fact that the three treasures can be chosen by Miaoxiu as a magic weapon, and the mystery is inevitably predictable." The snake god got up and took a look at the nine head worm. "Now Miaoxiu has just returned from reincarnation and is closing his father just to go to the dusty land and have a look."
Say that finish after a ghostly wind blowing snake god disappeared in situ.
I don’t know when a man dressed in a black robe came. The man looked at the green petals in his eyes and then merged his palm with a gentle pull. Without disturbing people, he had already reached the world of dust.
But I saw that the man’s mouth was covered with a wisp of light green mist, accompanied by the breeze, and all the creatures passed out instantly in the place where they had passed away from the dust cave.
"well! The bodhi old zu, my poison gas is still as good as it was in those days. "The snake god is shrouded in a black robe and walks in the place where he shuttles away from the dust. He looks at the corners of his mouth with a satisfied smile.
The snake god, Yuan God, has arrived in the cave of dust and forgotten the dust when there is no delay in the powerful reflection of the surrounding Fiona Fang.
Looking at the faint and forgotten dust snake god, he smiled coldly, and the green petals in his eyes flowed into his palm. He saw a glittering and translucent jade in the forgotten dust sleeve and was held in his hand.
"nine head worm said it’s really good that this treasure has returned to the hands of Xiao Ni again." Looking at the murder in the eyes of the forgotten snake god, this person met Yu Duxiu and got Yu Duxiu’s belief that his three treasures are all here, so both sides can see a lot.
"Forget it, it’s not advisable to have more twists and turns. If you make a noise, you will be sensed by the wonderful show on a whim that the treasure has already left your hand." The snake god’s mouth is full of all the escaping fog, and a pair of eyes look at the land away from the dust. "Hum seat leaves no trace and covers up the secret. Who knows that I did it? Since then, the best place for this three treasures is to solve puzzles."
Talking, the snake god slowly disappeared.
"hmm? Something seems to be wrong? " Long from the dust, before the snake god just left and woke up in a blink, the snake god’s poison gas was fascinated. Long from the dust, the body was quenched and couldn’t move, but the innate immortal light was a hindrance.
I don’t know what happened. Is there an enemy seeking the door? The Taoist priest from Dust can’t really relax his body. If he travels with this innate immortal light, he will have no place to cry if he is destroyed by the enemy.
"Has anyone been here?" The Taoist priest from the dust looked at the quiet land from the dust, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He came to the forgotten dust abode of fairies and immortals, and his heart sank when he saw the forgotten dust sleeping safely. He shook his arm from the dust and said, "Wake up, sister from the dust."
"What’s the matter, sister? How did I fall asleep?" Forget the dust in a daze.
"Someone has been to the cave from the dust, even in the trick" from the dust sullen way.
After listening to the words from the dust, I forgot the dust. Suddenly, a tingling consciousness touched my sleeve, and then my face was sluggish. Then I panicked and patted my face pale. "No, brother Miaoxiu lost his three treasures."
"What? Hasn’t Sambo Ruyi already left? " From the dust one leng.
"At that time, it was just the senior brother who made the smoke screen for fear that others would miss the three treasures and the three treasures were gone." Forget the dust and cry. A little face suddenly collapsed
"How did that happen? You have a good look again "from the dust.
"No, I’ve looked everywhere." Forget the dust and cry. My eyes are red and my tears are dripping. "I didn’t live up to my brother’s advice. Now it should be so good."


On the left, an outlaw with a bag pulled out the Grenade safety ring and threw it directly in.
"Bang bang!"
Ray fell to the ground and rolled down the corridor to get stuck in the iron foot next to the seat.
The remaining gangsters got up and shot with guns, and made up two shots at the tall gangster and the man named Jamlom for the first time.
"Damn it!"
Through the war, I saw someone lift their feet next to the car seat, and a hook stuck her hand and kicked her back directly.
"Boom! !”
The explosion sounded several shrapnel and steel balls flying around, and two passengers hiding at the table were swept into serious injuries, and the war was also hit and blood flowed out.
After the four gangsters got up, two people covered them and ran directly to the compartment.
Xiaobai was lying next to the car seat and killed one person with two shots.
The three gangsters left the carriage for the first time, and Xiaobai didn’t chase them again.
As soon as the bandits withdrew from the carriage, the passengers lying on the table got up and ran to the back.
"Don’t run, don’t run, there are people in other cars!" Through the war shouted a.
The flustered passenger didn’t listen to dissuasion and rushed out from the other entrance.
Sure enough, in less than a few seconds, the whole train was like a hell of a person.
About a kilometer outside the train
A middle-aged bald man was drinking with a walkie-talkie next to the car and asked, "How much fucking washing?"
"washed a car"
"So slow?" Bald frown scold a way "fucking two or three hundred people make such a thing are you going to do until early? !”
"I don’t know why there are a lot of officers who dare to fight back," roared the walkie-talkie. "They robbed the gun and we can’t get it."
"How much can they grab when they grab guns?" The bald man swore, "Which carriage did they let outsiders blow me up with mortars?"
At the front of the car, a 30-year-old man immediately came over and said, "You can’t do this."
"What’s the matter?" Bald head asked
"It’s not a big thing for people to die outside the district, but it’s troublesome to die as a soldier." A man in his thirties frowned and said, "The goods have been washed. I’d better withdraw the car if there is a soldier."
"Mom, how many things can there be in the car?" Bald thinking said; "No, let them order again."
The man in a long cotton-padded coat stretched out his hand and stopped him. "If you want to listen to me, you should quickly remove the soldiers around here. Either the seven districts or the Sichuan government are really dead. I can’t afford to be taunted."
The bald man bit his teeth and took the walkie-talkie and said, "Let’s go!"
The carjacking took place in less than twenty-five minutes, and the gangsters ran clean, and the basic principle of these people’s work is that no one can be arrested. All the carjacking gangsters work in groups, and some people who are accidentally injured will get help from their peers to go first.
Those who are seriously injured and can’t leave are handled by their peers.
Through the war, Xiaobai and his two men rushed through the corridor with guns to the No.9 carriage. When they saw that three officers were killed, even Xiaobai’s little brother Xu Liang was injured.
Several female passengers in toilets and sleeping berths were violently exploded.
Obviously, this is not an organized and premeditated gang that specializes in money cases, but a group of people who have bandits.
"Xiao Liang Xiao Liang, are you all right?" Small white bent down and asked
"Chief of Staff Qi Wei was taken away!"
Not far away, an officer ran over and shouted
Chapter 134 Great River Meng Xi
late night
Qin Yu absently picked up the desk and pressed the answer key "hello?"
"Teacher, something happened to the train."
Qin Yu suddenly sat up. "What’s the matter?"

Shadow kill smell speech indifferent way, "I don’t know through other means to become a steal heart boxing, although he doesn’t have my shadow kill the door work method, but he has been able to practice this boxing to a higher level, and this time it will be included in my shadow kill the door."

Heaven doesn’t say, "I, the God Sect, also have the right to fight against the enemy."
Yellow cold hum a dispute between the two men actually underestimated the reversal of the Heart Sutra. At the beginning, he defeated the ancient Buddha’s burning lamps.
The three men looked at each other and laughed. At the same time, they said, "This is really our successor."
Crazy prison smell speech displeasure way "hum so seems to have my everything? Don’t treat me like this. He will compete to join my purgatory day. "
After the dark clouds came into the Qingzhou boundary, Mundus Cantian asked, "I feel that there are two golden immortals at the top of Taishan Mountain here. What are the results?"
Yellow nods: "Yes, two Jin Xian masters are both dark. The former is a blend of many avenues. It seems that he is also an unusual role; In the latter, the whole body is covered with a layer of purple awn, and the skill of cultivating the earth is profound. It is a famous and dynamic three-world purple flower swallowing the sun. This method can only be cultivated to the extreme if it is cultivated to the realm of Jinxian. The overbearing exception should be that purple flower fairy is suspicious. "
Crazy prison seems rude and reckless, but he is also proficient in detection method, and when he looks at it intently, he bluntly says, "In addition, the Kyushu Union Heart Emperor, Wan Yu Patriarch Huangfulingtian and Xuanyu Tiangong Guangcheng Xuanzun have all reached the extreme of immortals and may enter Jin Xian at any time, but even if they can reach the second reconstruction in Jin Xian, there is no threat for us to slay those scattered immortals at will. It seems a bit tricky, but we also have scattered immortals who should be able to destroy Taishan regional masters."
Heaven didn’t say much, except for his failure in the hands of the Lord of Yin and Yang, he rarely suffered losses, which is exactly where his natural character came from and he cultivated in Jin Xian Dacheng Xiu.
Yellow slightly turned to ask Shadow Killer, "What is the strength of the two sides?"
Finally, the shadow killing smell speech was detected. He detected that the magician could see the clue that the shadow killing eyes were slightly closed. It seemed that after three breaths of some special induction, he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "There are a total of 2,532 monks in Kyushu Union and masters of various factions, among whom Jin Xian is about 137 in the two fairy level masters; There are 130 monks left at the fairy level, and there are more than 2,000 ordinary people in the Kyushu League. They are all ordinary people with some precious instruments. "
Tian Wenwen’s face suddenly became serious and sank. "It’s worthy that the shadow killing detection is so fine. If there is no accident, there will be help coming. We’d better kill the monks here quickly!"
Crazy prison micro-grunted, "You seem to be getting better and better this day, and you beat me to what I want to say."
Mundus remnant day didn’t say much. These four people are amazing monsters and must not be provoked. He is thinking that the grave has reached the order.
"Black clouds cover the blood of Mount Tai!"
As soon as the yellow earth made the speed of the dark cloud suddenly increase by 100 times, it rushed to a position more than ten miles away from the top of Mount Tai, and at the same time, the figure quickly emerged from the dark cloud!
A number of dark shadows soon formed a large shadow in the sky. They all smelled like evil monks, or the righteous and evil generation exuded a cruel and strange smell. The dark cloud crawled slowly after many monks rushed out, as if absorbing the aura of heaven and earth here.
"This time to a bloodbath mount tai let the elders buried sword die in my blood! Haha! "
A desolate figure was born with a strong blood ShaQi, which turned out to be the top master of the evil sect, the bodhi old zu on the deep cliff. Behind him, the cloak, the waning moon, and the pattern of blood flashing. This person is not weaker than the core elders of Taikoo Gate.
At the same time, the desire for extinction is slowly flying out. He is still dressed in rags, but no one will question his strength.
The woman wearing the ice rose was also buried in the moon, but this time there were two more maids and two women behind her, dressed in long skirts. Except for the color, they were all green and red, all wearing ice roses.
As soon as the buried moon flew out, it didn’t pay attention to the bodhi old zu on the deep cliff, but said to a Taoist robe man not far away, "Will you deal with it if you rob the Taoist this time?"
The robe man turned around and showed a horrible face. His whole face was a little twisted and covered with all kinds of scars. I don’t think much about it. It is the kind of incurable permanent scar. Otherwise, this person is very close to dzogchen’s strong atmosphere in his later days. How can he erase such scars?
Hearing this, the hundred robbers smiled coldly. "You are very good at choosing to bury the moon. I was just about to steal heaven for a while, but your opponent this time is the ancient temperament elder?"
Buried in the moon, I heard that I shook my head. "This time, Taikoomen is very alert, and some of the core elders have come, and several of them are incarnations. This time, I will deal with the ruling elders and see if his prestige is worthy of the name."
Road flyover Bai Jie’s smell speech is still a cold hum, and he doesn’t say much. Walking in the fierce wind with a cassock gives people a free and easy feeling.
Buried in the moon, I glanced at the Taoist priest’s heart andao: "This man was really a terror in scattered immortals. He said that after his failure in Du Jie, he practiced scattered immortals, but he was repeatedly defeated in Du Jie. Although he failed to build Jinxian Avenue, he also reached an unfathomable state. It is really rare for such a strong man to join the pioneer of this war."
Just then, the desire to destroy suddenly exclaimed, "Six sexy devil children, Killing Immortals, and Li Mu are all here!"
His tone is not panic, but a kind of surprise. This kind of performance makes him buried in the moon, and he is also a bit obsessed with lust. She knows that she has not seen him like this for many years.
Chapter one hundred and ninety War between good and evil
The six sexy devil children are half human and half demon.
I heard that when he was young, he was a good seedling who was swallowed up by a magic weapon in an accident. Unexpectedly, he broke out from the belly of that magic weapon with his tenacious vitality, thus being infected with the magic, cutting off the six desires and finally becoming a master of immortals by cruel and horrible means.
Killing immortals, as the name implies, means eating the heart and dispersing the people, but the method of eating the heart and dispersing the people is cruel and diabolical, and this practice of killing immortals is a fairy family practice, but it kills people like hemp. Anyone who is killed by him is unaware that he has taken the road to immortality and died a good death.
Finally, I want to say that Li Mu is a traitor in Taikoo Gate. He once joined Taikoo Gate to practice dharma, and then when he went out for experience, he assassinated several Taikoo brothers and stole a lot of dharma. According to him, he has been killed by Taikoo Gate. Unexpectedly, the evil factions gathered this time and he appeared again.
You Cliff, Destroy Desire, Bury the Moon and others are all under the command of one party, which makes them lead many experts in profound cultivation to leap out and follow them.
Hundreds of robbers, several experts in repairing terrorist anomalies, have hidden their breath and hidden in the big army to suddenly attack and hit the right path when necessary.
It was completely dark, and thousands of evil monks followed the dark clouds, each with a ferocious smile and rubbing their hands to settle their enmity against the right path.
Heaven is indifferent to others, and I don’t know what he thinks. Looking at this number will overwhelm the master of right and wrong ways. Heaven said to the grave, "Is this right and wrong war a formal prelude to the fairy war?"
"It doesn’t count," he said.
Heaven wondered, "What does this mean?"
Complex smile yellow explained, "This time, even if we hit the right path, we can’t cut its wings. After all, there are still dormant experts among the three factions, and it is not easy for those strange departments to join hands, otherwise there would be no fairy war."
Tian shook his head slightly and analyzed, "This time, if we win the right path, we will be hit hard, and the foundation of our boundary will unify Kyushu. As a result, the cloud virtual boundary and the celestial boundary will be difficult to protect themselves. With the help of Alcatraz’s demon domain, isn’t it like taking things out of the bag?"
Crazy prison woke up and said, "God, don’t forget that there were too many secrets buried in the three realms in the past. Even if the four of us join hands today, we should not take it too lightly."
It’s stuffy to hum a day. In the war between Yin and Yang, he was really careless and suffered, otherwise he wouldn’t have been sealed in the abyss and almost died.
Turn silent at the same time, the hands of heaven micro-motion seems to set off a spreading net, which generally removes a layer of fluctuations, so that the number of shouts and killings suddenly presses the atmosphere of evil sects to the Taishan Mountain in the direction of Kyushu War Station!
The leaders of several right paths at the top of Mount Tai were all shocked, and the emperor reacted the fastest and shouted, "How dare people come to Mount Tai!"
Taikoo door master didn’t have a mouth, and the whole person turned into a streamer and rushed out toward the sky and rushed in the direction of the dark cloud.
Many masters left at the top of Mount Tai also set off together in the direction of Kyushu platform. Because of such a distance, they have been able to see the numerous evil monks culling towards Kyushu platform, and they want to wipe out all the young brothers from the right path!
The heart emperor’s face is sad, but his real body is shrouded in a layer of extremely bright light, so that people can’t see him. He drinks coldly, "Whoever dares to attack Mount Tai will be forgiven!"
Breath that the whole people burst into the breath of the border emperor and followed the footsteps of Taikoo Door Master towards the dark clouds.